Chapter 37

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"Detective Seo?" I ask getting up from beside Luna's bed while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. 

"Hi, Bada. I'm sorry I have to come here under these circumstances. But we need to carry out an investigation for what happened yesterday. We just need you to cooperate with us," he tells me. I glance at my brother from behind the detective confused as to what's going on. 

"What's there to investigate? Haneul tried killing Luna and she fought back. It was self-defense. He got his own self killed," I say getting a bit riled up. 

"We understand the circumstances but there has to be an investigation whether it was self-defense or not," he tells me.

"It was self-defense," I reiterate. Luna wouldn't willingly kill someone unless her life was in danger. It was her or him in that moment. Heck, he did so much damage to her. When I walked in, he barely had a scratch on him while Luna was beaten up and bruised so much. 

"Look Bada, we're sorry how things turned out yesterday. When Haneul left the precinct I should've sent her home with a guard after seeing how he reacted to Luna declining his offer. We just want to understand a bit more about what happened yesterday evening and need you to clarify some things for us. We also need to go and investigate your house and need you there as well," he tells me. I simply nod and he gives me a few minutes to wash up and get ready. Soo-min left some clothes for me so I took a quick shower and dressed. When I was done, the detective was waiting for me in the hall and we left for the precinct. 

"Alright Bada, we just have a few routine questions to ask you and then we can be on our way," he tells me and I nod. 

"Where were you yesterday?" he asks the first question. 

"I was at a talk show with the other girls from my team. We were there from about nine in the morning and I didn't get home until around six or seven in the evening," I tell him and another detective jots it down on their notepad.

"From what I heard, filming ended way before six p.m. yesterday. Where were you after leaving the set?" he asks and I look at him confused. 

"Me and the girls went out for dinner after and I had to drive a few of them home and I went a few places after. What does that have to do with the investigation?" I say defensively. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was questioning me as if I was the one who stabbed Luna. 

"Like I said earlier, just some routine questions," he tells me and I roll my eyes. 

"This is ridiculous. How is knowing about my whereabouts going to help the investigation? Haneul was here with you guys yesterday and ended up at my house. If anything, we were the ones who trusted you to help Luna. She trusted you to do whatever you could to put Haneul behind bars but you failed and now she's in the hospital with no telling when she'll wake up," I say getting frustrated. 

"Why don't we continue this another time? Let's go head to your house," he sighs before getting up from the table. I follow him out and we drive to my house in silence. 

When we pull up to my house, the anxiety hits me like a ton of bricks. I haven't been in here since yesterday and everything is taped off. It's a crime scene of some sort. We get out of the car and head to the door. Before going in, I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. I walk inside and my heart stops. I didn't get the chance to take in everything yesterday but it looks horrible in here and my heart aches for Luna. The entire place is trashed. The more I look around, the more my heart breaks. Luna must've been so scared to have to face all of this alone. My baby is a fighter. 

"Luna, this way please," the detective says making his way upstairs. I follow and find the upstairs covered in so much blood. Luna's blood and I get sick to my stomach. I didn't realize how much blood she lost until this moment. My Luna has been through so much. No matter how amazing of a person she was, people still wanted to hurt her. She never deserved any of this. Despite everything she has been through in life, she never wished anything bad for anyone. 

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