Chapter 40

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"What did you just say" I ask looking Dae-Hyun in the eyes. 

"She's awake Bada," he says smiling ushering me to get up from the position I was in. I blur out anything else he says and slowly make my way into Luna's room. When I enter, I see her awake on her hospital bed rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She's really awake. My Luna is finally awake. 

"Baby?" I say quietly from the couch in her room. She quickly turns her head and tears starts to form in both of our eyes. 

"Bada," she says smiling weakly as the tears begin to fall from her precious eyes. She holds out her arms to me for a longing hug and I rush into them engulfing her in a heartfelt hug. 

"I've missed you so much Luna, so so much," I say hugging her 

"How long have I been out?" she asks me.

"About four months my love," I tell her and I can see the shock and sadness in her eyes. 

"Do you remember what happened?" I ask her.

"Y-yeah," she says lowering her head. 

"He's dead, isn't he?" she asks me.

"Yes love, he's dead," I tell her while stroking the back of her hand. 

"I killed him," she says looking defeated as ever. 

"You had to do what was good for you in that moment. It was either you or him, and he was going to stop at nothing until you were gone, Luna. It's all over now, okay love?" I reassure her but I can see the circuits running through her mind. Luna has to live with that horrible day for the rest of her life and it hurts me that it's going to haunt her. I know it is. She's going to let this eat her up inside but I won't allow that. 

"We've all missed you baby. All of us," I say trying to change the subject and take her mind off of the dark events she lived through. Right on queue, Dae-Hyun comes into the room with nothing but a bright smile on his face. 

"We have missed you, Luna, so much. Soo-min and the kids are gonna be so happy to see you. I knew you would pull through," she says coming over to her. He told us that he needed to do a check-up on her and for me to leave the room. 

"Would you like me to call up Kirsten and the girls, or do you want to wait to have company?" I ask her wanting to make sure she's comfortable to have guests right now. 

"Can I wait to see everyone? I just need a little while to take everything in,"

"Of course love. I'll be right in the hallway okay?" I say before kissing her forehead and leaving the room. 

Tatter was still in the hallway with a big smile on her face as well. She's ecstatic to see Luna awake. I told her to go home because it was so late. I also ask her to wait to tell the girls or anyone about Luna being awake per her request. After Tatter leaves, Dae-Hyun comes back out a few minutes later, allowing me to be in the room with Luna. 

"All her vitals seem to be fine, but we'll keep her overnight or for a few days for observation," he tells me before going to his office. I walk into Luna's room and I still can't get over the wave of shock in my system to actually see her awake and healthy right now.

"Why are you staring?" she asks as I stand at the door. 

"I'm still just shocked you're finally awake. It feels so surreal," I say making my way to her bed. She scoots over and makes room on her bed for me to lie down next to her and pats the empty space. I happily accept and lie down next to her on my side taking in her appearance. 

"You're staring again," she says giggling softly. 

"You're just really beautiful," I say moving a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. 

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