Chapter 35

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"Kirst, you scared the ever-lasting crap out of me, I thought Bada was at the doo-"

"Thought wrong bitch!" Haneul said before grabbing me by the collar and pushing me inside the house. He was dressed in all black and had a hat and mask on. NO! This can't be happening. He held me so tightly but my mind was still trying to process what was happening.

"Let go!" I coughed out while trying to scratch his hands off of me.

"You just couldn't take the settlement money, could you? You just had to act all big and bad today. But guess what? You're nothing, Luna. You've never been anything," he says and then slams me to the ground. I hit the floor with a heavy thud and tried my best to crawl away before the pain kicks in, but it was no use because he grabbed my legs and pulled me back towards him.

"You can't get away from me anymore Luna, this is it," he says before slamming his fist down to the ground but I quickly dodge it and roll over to my side. I hurry up and get to my feet and put some distance between us.

"Fine Haneul, you win. I'll settle okay? Just leave," I say hoping he'd hear the honesty in my voice and that I wasn't lying about this. But something in him snapped. The way he's looking at me with no emotion in his eyes. No remorse just pure evil and there was no way I could get through to him right now. I was screwed.

"It's too late for that Luna, you should've just taken my offer when you had the chance. Now I just want you gone. I'm so sick of you," he says walking closer slowly with the crazy in his eyes. Before he could make it to me, I reached up and grabbed the curtain rod from the window and swung on him. He stumbles but not enough to make him fall. I needed something heavier. I run into the living room and move across where the fort is putting an obstacle between us.

"STOP WITH THE GAMES LUNA! You can run all you want but it's no use," he says stepping over the pillows towards me.

"You're not walking out of here alive," he says and my heart sinks. He's here to kill me. I-I can't let this happen. No! I can't! I have to run. I see the distance from here to the front door and estimate a good twenty-second dash to make it to the front gate. Next to me is a semi-large chair so I'm not sure how heavy it is to be yanked in the air. I was able to easily move it earlier today so it's not too heavy. Will I be able to throw it? Let's see. I grab the chair and hurl it and Haneul and he falls to the floor with it on top of him. I take this chance to hurry and run to the door but just as my hands we about to touch the door handle, Haneul yanks my leg making me collapse onto the floor in so much pain.

I hit the floor so hard I nearly blacked out, but I knew I had to keep fighting. I had to stay awake and alert so I kicked as hard as I could to get out of his grasp and run towards the door again. He got up and pulled me by my hair then put me in a chokehold while walking towards the living room. I was losing so much air and seeing stars but he was not gonna win. I punch my elbow into his side with as much force as I can and run to the kitchen. He stumbles but hurls his way into the kitchen with so much force. I think quickly and dump the pot of boiling soup that was on the stove on him and he screams out in agony at the boiling substance. He's holding his face in pain and I take this chance to run.

He was blocking the front door so my best bet was running upstairs. I made sure to take a knife with me just in case. I yank the bedroom door open and lock it shut then ran into the bathroom to hide. I had no phone on me so I couldn't call for help so I had to think of what to do next. I heard Haneul outside the bedroom door banging so hard that I was starting to panic but I held myself together. Next to the bathtub was a window big enough for me to shimmy my way out but the only problem is that if I fall from the window, I'm done for. I'd break every single bone in my body on the way down but it's a risk I'm willing to take, anything is better than getting murdered by him. I pull the window open just in time to hear Haneul breaking down the door out there.

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