Chapter 7

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***WARNING: This Chapter Contains Scenes of SA and Mild Mention of Suicide***

"Hey babe," I said to him as I tried to get up. Bada could see me struggle and helped me stand up. I walked over to him and he still smelled like liquor. I held back my face from showing how much I wanted to gag at the smell and put on a slight smile.

"Why are you just now getting home?" I whispered to him so none of the girls would be in our conversation. We were in the kitchen so hopefully I was out of earshot.

"I don't have to report everything I do to you. You are not my mother," he said rolling his eyes. I rolled mine back to show my annoyance at his little remark.

"Yeah well, the way you've been acting lately makes it seem like you need your mother. Seriously Haneul did you have to get that drunk yesterday? You didn't even care that I had to go to the hospital." I whispered shouted so he could know I was angry with him.

"It doesn't look like you're too hurt, seeing you can have a party."

"It's not a party. They came over to check on me and since I can barely move, we had a movie night. It's like you're not concerned about me at all." I said tears in my eyes. It truly hurt me how nonchalant Haneul was acting. Like I'm his girlfriend, why isn't he the least bit concerned about me or my well-being after yesterday?

"Look, I'm not in the mood to argue with you. Imma take a shower then go to bed. Just make sure you and your little crew keep to down out here or it's gonna be a problem." he said. I roll my eyes and give him a death stare. He sees me about to put up a fight when he takes my wrist under the kitchen island so no one can see, and tightens his grip.

"I told you I'm not in the mood so do try me right now. And don't ever roll your eyes at me. Do you understand?" he said closely to my ear. I didn't say anything and he tightened his grip which made me squirm. I tried my best not to let out the soft cry that was threatening to spill from my lips.

"I said, do. you. understand?" His voice got lower and at this point I got scared. I slowly nodded my head yes and he let go of me. He walked around the island to our bedroom and closed it with some force. The girls got quiet and asked me if everything was ok. This entire time they were talking among each other. I said a quick yeah and turned back to where the refrigerator was in front of me. I opened it and just stared, letting the cool air envelope me as I think about what just happened. Did Haneul seriously just threaten me? Like am I tweaking or did that truly just happen? I stood there for a minute trying to get my thoughts together when I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders making me flinch. I look up to see Bada towering over me. I hid my wrist with the sleeves of my shirt so she didn't see the slight bruise Haneul left.

"You alright? I couldn't hear what the conversation was about but it looked kind of intense"

"Yeah I'm good, just a little disagreement is all. Are you and the girls staying for the second movie?"

"I don't know. If you want us to stay we can. Whatever you want" Bada said with a smile. I pulled out a drink for me and Bada then closed the refrigerator door and we made our way back to the group of girls.

"So my darlings, are we gonna keep movie night going or call it a night?" I asked curious how they were feeling

"Is it alright if we call it a night? I gotta be up early tomorrow for a class" Latrice said

"Oh yeah I forgot about that," Audrey said remembering she was going to teach with Latrice

"Of course you guys. We can always continue the Twilight marathon another night. Maybe next time I'll get us matching pajamas or something" I said smiling

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