Chapter 5

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***WARNING: mention of last chapters SA***

Luna's POV

We just arrived to the hospital that was about ten minutes away from the club. During the entire ride, Bada kept asking if I was ok or uncomfortable. I could see how worried she was. I don't know, her worrying about me kind of made me a bit happy. Idk, I guess it's been a while since someone's shown this kind of compassion when it comes to situations like this. She made sure to park in a space near the entrance so we didn't have to walk too far. I opened my door and was about to walk when all of a sudden Bada scooped me up bridal style again. I became a bit flustered and put my head against her chest as she walked to the front desk. 

"Hi can we get a doctor, she got hurt really badly just a few minutes ago and she's in a lot of pain," Bada said to the lady at the desk. I guess the lady could see the bruises because my dress rolled up a little while I was in Bada's arms. She told us to wait just a few minutes and someone would be with us. We went to the sitting area to sit down. I thought Bada would put me down but she didn't. She just kept me in her embrace as I sat on her lap waiting for the doctor. I truly couldn't look her in the eye as I sat like this, Idk it felt a bit awkward but natural at the same time, can't really explain this feeling. As we sat she kept drawing light circles along my back with her left hand and had her right hand over my legs to keep me in place. Her right leg was bouncing frantically as she waited impatiently for us to be called. I could tell she was nervous so I put my hand on her forearm and looked at her in her brown eyes.

"Hey Bada, you don't have to worry anymore, you can calm down now. We made it here and we're about to be called in. I promise it's not as bad as you think." I said to her with a caring smile hoping to soothe her anxiety. 

"How can you say it's not that bad Luna? I saw what he did to you. You can barely walk. I don't even want to imagine what would've happened if I hadn't come in on time. I should've gotten there sooner. When I saw you in the club I should've immediately gone to your side, but I just watched you disappear in the crowd. I'm sorry." Bada said with tears filling her eyes. She rested her forehead on top of mine as she closed her eyes. I could feel a tear falling from her eye so I brought my hand up to wipe it away.

"Bada, look at me. It's not your fault. It's not either of our faults ok. Whoever that guy was should be feeling guilty, not us. I'm just grateful you got there when you did. But you can relax a bit now ok. I'm about to get checked out by professionals so you can ease your mind a little." I said caressing her cheek as another tear dropped from her perfect brown eyes. She exhaled what looked like a breath she was holding this entire trip and leaned her face against my hand. We stayed like that for a moment until the nurse called my name.

"Luna Oakley? Doctor Lee will be seeing you now. He's on his way but follow me to your room"

Bada got up and held me tightly making sure I didn't fall. We walked a few doors down until the nurse pointed toward our room. We walked in and Bada put me on the examination table carefully. The nurse gave me a gown to change into before she left. 

"You think you can stand up to change into the gown?" Bada asked me 

"Yeah, I think I'm fine now," I said trying to get off the table but failing when I almost fell completely on the ground. Bada catches me and I could see how worried she was.

"Look, I'll help hold you up while you change ok. I won't look" she said while holding me firmly but turning her head to the side. I giggled a little thinking why is she so nervous, we're both women, it shouldn't be too awkward. I gave out a little 'mhm' as I started taking my clothes off. The dress was about to reach over my head but Bada had to relocate her hands so that I could slip the dress off. She felt me wobble a bit and turned her head to make sure I was balanced. Her hands met my bare skin and I felt this hot sensation radiating off of my body. I felt this shocking spark as her fingertips laced my bare hips just right above my black-laced underwear where my tattoo lay. She turned her head really quickly while I tried my best to hurry up and slip on the gown the nurse gave me. I was finally dressed and she helped me sit back on the table. Her face was cherry red when she looked at me.

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