Chapter 24

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Bada's POV:

Today I woke up early with a text from my brother saying he needed my help at his house. I thought that maybe he needed my help to babysit the kids again but that wasn't the case. I made sure to be extra quiet while getting ready so I didn't wake Luna up. She hasn't been sleeping well lately and last night was the first night in a while that she hasn't gotten up in the middle of the night. I was happy to see her sleeping peacefully. 

As I made my way out the door, my brother called me before I even got to my car.

"Noona, you coming?" he asked.

"What's going on? Is this about the kids?" I asked curious to know what's got him so worked up. 

"Uhhh, not necessarily. Just hurry over okay?" he said.

"Yeah I'll be there in a while. It'll take me longer because I'm out here by the cabin so give me about an hour," I said and he agreed and we hung up the phone. 

I spent the next hour and thirty minutes driving to the city to his place. I arrived around ten in the morning at my brother's house and saw a car I didn't notice parked in the front. Both his and his wife's cars were already in the driveway so this was odd. I guess they brought another car. 

I go to knock on the front door and before I know it, I'm tackled as soon as the door opens by some girl. I collapsed back on the ground as she jumped in my arms. Good thing the fall didn't hurt me at all. 

"Bada eonni, I've missed you!" the random girl said to me. I had my arms open making sure not to wrap them around this random person. 

"Nari, I told you don't get the door when she comes," Soo-min yelled when she saw us on the ground. She pulled the girl off of my lap and then helped me get up before leading me to the kitchen where my brother was. 

"What's going on and who is she?" I said pointing to the weird girl who jumped me. 

"You don't remember me?" the girl said with a pout. I seriously have no idea who she is so I shake my head no at her. 

"This is Shin Nari, the girl that used to live next door to us growing up. Remember, she was the one who moved away a couple of years ago." Dae Hyun said. It finally clicked who she was. Back then, she would always be clingy with me, like she literally would never let my arm go sometimes. If I'm being quite honest, I was happy when she moved away back then because she never knew boundaries or had enough decency to have personal space. 

"It's really nice to see you again eonni. I've missed you so much," she said coming up to me for a hug. I stiffened when she hugged me but quickly removed her from my body. I guess she never grew out of that clingy phase. 

"What did you need me here for Dae Hyun?" I asked ready to just get whatever he needed over and done with so I could go back home to Luna. 

"Well, we needed help cleaning out the basement urgently and Soo-min couldn't help," he said

"What's wrong with Soo-min?" I asked curious why she couldn't help.

"We wanted to wait and tell the family but she's pregnant, and I panicked not wanting her to go downstairs with all the fumes and dust," he explained. My face lit up at the announcement. We were getting another kiddo to add to the bunch. I jumped and went to hug Soo-min then my brother and congratulated them. 

"But why do you guys need the basement done right now? We have a while until the baby comes to make a new room" I asked still slightly confused. 

"For right now, the basement isn't for the baby, it's for Nari. I agreed to let her stay with us for a few months. You know how close I was with her brother and when he explained she needed somewhere to stay for a short while we offered up the basement. I just lost track of time and forgot to renovate before she came," he said. I nodded my head finally understanding why he needed me here. Of course, I wasn't too fond of the fact that Nari would be staying here for a few months but I would help my brother do whatever he needed to do. 

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