New Ed In The Neighborhood (Part 1)

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(We open with a moving truck near a house on the Cul-De-Sac, we zoom into the bedroom of a new kid on the Cul-De-Sac, the kid is a girl named Kylie who lives with her parents and little toddler sister. They used to live in the city but moved after Kylie's little sister was born).

Kylie: (finishes unpacking her stuff from the moving boxes, she sighs) Man, I'm gonna miss my old town. I move to a new house, have to go to a new school and try to make friends. (She goes outside to see the Cul-De-Sac).

Nazz: (sees Kylie on her walk) Hey, are you the new kid?

Kylie: Yeah, I'm new here. Nice to meet you! (She happily shakes hands with Nazz).

Nazz: What's your name?

Kylie: Kylie, but you can call me Ky for short.

Nazz: Cool, why'd you move here?

Kylie: Well we used to live in the city in a small but great apartment, but after my little sister was born my parents decided to move us here since our apartment was too small for a family of four.

Nazz: You have a sister? Can I see her?

Kylie: She's taking her nap right now so maybe later.

Nazz: Oh I understand, hey maybe I can show you to the rest of the kids!

Kylie: Oh really? That'd be nice of you!

Nazz: (walks with Kylie to meet the rest of the kids)

(We see the kids hanging out together at the park)

Nazz: Hey guys, meet the new girl! Her name is Kylie!

Kylie: (shyly) Hi.

Sarah: Wow, we've barely had another girl in the neighborhood! I'm Sarah!

Kylie: Nice to meet you!

Kevin: So you're new here? You met Nazz, I'm Kevin.

Kylie: Yeah I'm new here.

Johnny: I'm Johnny and this is Plank! (He shows Plank to Kylie).

Kylie: (she awkwardly smiles knowing how a bit weird he is hanging out with a piece of wood).

Rolf: Rolf is happy to meet such a wonderful brunette!

Kylie: (giggles) Aw shucks! You guys are being to kind to me!

Jimmy: Well you are new here! I'm Jimmy!

Kevin: So what do you like to do?

Kylie: Well, I love to sing and dance.

Nazz: Wow! That's cool!

Kylie: Yeah I took lessons at my old school! I also love acting!

Jimmy: So you've been in plays?

Kylie: Yeah I have. I especially love doing musical plays!

(The kids awe at Kylie)

Nazz: We have a dance class at our school! Are you gonna attend?

Kylie: No way! I'm so doing that! I already like this place!

Johnny: We're glad! Can you show Plank your dances?

Kylie: Yeah I'd be happy to!

Sarah: Johnny she's new here, let's give her some time before doing that.

(The kids talk amongst each other while Kylie walks further into the park, she sees three boys she's never met with the other kids).

Kylie: Hmmm I wonder who those three are. (She walks to what appears to be a stand they've set up).

Ed: Eddy we've got a customer! (His smile turns into a concern look when he Ky).

(Eddy and Double D run to see)

Eddy: Hello and welcome to- (he stops and looks at Kylie).

Double D: Hello?

Eddy: You're not from here.

Kylie: Oh I'm sorry, I moved here! I was hanging out with the other kids until I saw you three. Do you not hang out with them?

Eddy: Well... (he sweats a bit).

Double D: Not a lot to be honest.

Kylie: Oh okay.

Ed: I'm Ed!

Double D: I'm Eddward! But you can call me Double D!

Eddy: I'm Eddy.

Kylie: I'm Kylie, but you can call me Ky. So what are you boys doing here with your stand? (She reads the sign on the stand) Physical Therapist?

Eddy: Yeah Double D can help you with your problems!

Kylie: (she smiles a bit)

Eddy: (guides her to a chair next to Double D who is sitting on another chair). I'll let you have a freebie on the house!

Kylie: Thanks!

Double D: So what can I help you with?

Kylie: Well, I kinda feel a bit homesick. You see I used to live in the city.

Eddy: You lived in the city?

Double D: Intriguing! What was it like?

Kylie: Oh it was amazing, noisy but I happily lived there for years!

Ed: She's a pretty city girl!

Kylie: (looks at Ed for a bit) Yeah, I went to a great school! I didn't make many friends I was kinda an outcast. Have you ever felt like an outcast?

(The Eds look at each other)

The Eds: Yeah.

Kylie: Wow, I'm surprised. You know I'm starting to like you three a lot, we're pretty much on the same boat.

Double D: Well yes, why did you move here to the Cul-De-Sac?

Kylie: Well my parents had another baby, she's my little sister.

Ed: You have a sister like me? Is she a bad person who threats to tell mommy?

Kylie: What? No, she's very young but she almost likes the same stuff as me. She would never do something like that, she's very nice. Also, who's your sister?

Ed: Sarah.

Kylie: That girl I met?

Eddy: Yeah she's a pain, some of the other kids are like that too. Kevin especially.

Kylie: Wow, they were being nice to me and Nazz was kind to take me to meet them.

Double D: So you've already met them?

Kylie: Yeah. I guess you guys don't play with them often do ya?

Eddy: No.

Kylie: Well, tell you what: How would you three like to come to my house?

Eddy: Really?

Kylie: Yeah, we can hangout, talk about stuff and I'll even introduce you to my sister.

Double D: Wait, you're okay with that?

Kylie: Of course! We're outcasts aren't we?

Ed: Outcast, incast!

Kylie: (she laughs at Ed)

Kevin: (yelling offscreen) Hey Ky!

Eddy: Kevin?!

Double D: Oh dear!

Kylie: Oh that's Kevin calling for me! I'll see you guys at my house. (She takes the notepad Double D was writing on and writes her address on it for the Eds). See ya! (She runs off).

Eddy: Wow... she was really nice.

Double D: Interesting how she was alright with us unlike the others.

Ed: Kylie makes Ed happy! (He laughs)

(To be continued)

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