Chapter Four~The Diary.

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The first year sped past in a blur. Harry, Hermione and Ron had saved the school from danger from the Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher Professor Quirrel, who was a bit weird anyway, turned out he was actually hiding a form of Voldemort under his turban, bit random. They and Neville were awarded points for services to the school, resulting in Gryffindor winning the house cup, and I was falling more in love with Seamus. I spent my summer with him, then with Hermione and Ron, and finally Luna. In the first few weeks of our second year we met our new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher Professor Lockhart and I had kept up my talent at potions. Professor Lockhart was very, very arrogant and his heart was full of vanity more than anything else, but yet, girls found him dreamy with his golden locks and his "award-winning smile of the year". He made me cringe on the other hand. The guys agreed with me in thinking that he was a prat. We were sitting in his class, listening to him drone on about his battles with dragons and how his tidy his hair kept when I couldn't stand it any longer. I shot my hand up and he grinned his cringe worthy smile at me. "Yes, Miss Longbottom? Any questions on hair products? Want to know more about how I kept my hair?" He asked. "No professor, I was wondering if I'd may go to the bathroom?" I replied. Lockhart was clearly disappointed but let me out anyhow.

As I entered the bathroom I found Ginny, Ron's only younger sibling and only sister, sorting out her things on the floor which she appeared to have dropped. "Oh, hi Savannah. I tripped over that tile over there and dropped my stuff. I also found this diary, I don't need it though, would you like it?" She questioned, holding a small black book in her hand. "Yes please, I need to write down my feelings sometimes." I admitted before taking it off her and helping her collect the rest of her belongings. When I returned to the common room, I went up to the dormitory and sat down on my bed, staring at the diary that I held in my hand. I turned over the cover, took out my quill and ink, and began to write. "Dear diary, my name is Savannah Alice Longbottom, I am twelve years old." The ink disappeared almost suddenly, leaving me confused until a reply shone through the pages. "Hello Savannah, I am Tom Riddle, I see you have discovered my diary." I was taken aback. Who was Tom? Was he a ghost? Why couldn't I see him? Was there another diary somewhere? "How does this work exactly?" I asked him with curiosity. Again, I watched the ink disappeared and his reply to soon follow. "My soul is a part of the book, very dark, skilful and complicated magic, way too much to explain for you to completely understand the concept. It's been here for fifty years in total." I was amazed. "Can you see me right now?" I wondered. The ink disappeared once more. Excitement filled me when he replied again. "Yes, you have brown hair and the bluest of eyes. You currently have a impressed but paranoid expression on your face. You are beautiful no doubt." The words sent a shiver down my spine, a book was flirting with me! "Why can I not see you? Are you invisible, or?" I said. "Well, I can show you who I am, all in good time, but I wish to know more about you, my founder, first." He answered.

"This is a diary of course, tell me your secrets, tell me your feelings, I'll listen and never pass them on." He added. "Well, I do not have any secrets or such, but I have feelings of anger that builds up inside me, my brother is taunted everyday, it upsets me. I want to kill the guys who do it sometimes, is that bad?" I admitted. "Not at all. Would you be willing to do me a favour? It will help you with that anger of yours." He questioned. I did not understand what favour it could be, but yet I told him "Depends... what is it?" "I need you to open the Chamber Of Secrets and release the Baslisk within. It'll be great fun, trust me..."      "Will people get hurt?" I put back in curiosity.  Tom took quite a while to answer my question back. "Only mudbloods, but no one needs that filth in this school. They deserve punishment. Harshly." I felt disgusted. "Tom, please don't use that term. I'm sincerely sorry but I can't do that favour for you." I stated. "YOU WILL DO IT! If not, I shall make sure that you will be forced to rip every limb off your brother's body, do you understand? Do not disappoint me Savannah. I will ruin you if you do." Tom was frightening, and yet, I agreed. "Okay, I shall help you. I shall not tell a soul." I wrote. The diary flashed and out came Tom Riddle himself. He was handsome with his dark curly hair and Slytherin robes. His cheekbones were high and although his whole images was sepia and hologram like, I couldn't help but feel completely mesmerised by the way his mysterious eyes pierced into mine. "Come, follow me." He instructed with a mischievous and slightly flirty grin painted on his face that made my body feel weak at the knees. "Won't people see you Tom? I don't want us to be in trouble." I inquired. "No, only one who has written in my diary can see me." He explained. I nodded and gladly followed his lead.

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