Chapter Five~The Chamber Of Secrets And Mrs Norris.

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I followed Tom into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. "Okay, I need you to repeat these words after me, they will open the chamber." He explained. I nodded and repeated the words that he said in Parseltongue (snake language) to the best of my ability. To my surprise, the basin in front of me opened up and sank into the floor revealing a deep, dark hole. "Jump, I'll meet you there. Don't be afraid."  He instructed softly. I jumped down and slid down, down, down before landing on snake bones. I followed Tom through the narrow tunnel before reaching a door with snakes on. I spoke the parseltongue words once more before stepping inside. The chamber was huge. Small snakes were entwined and carved into tall stone pillars and large stone statues of them surrounded the stone aisle that led to a huge green carved picture of Salvalar Slytherin himself. "Wow." Was all of could comment. "Impressive isn't it?" Tom smirked before beckoning me to follow him further into the chamber. "Right, I need you to look away while I call the Baslisk, its stare will kill you. I can't risk losing you after all you've done for me Savannah." Tom smiled. I nodded and firmly closed my eyes as Tom hissed some words. I heard a door opening and a large snake moving towards us. He hissed again and the Baslisk diverted towards somewhere else. "Okay, open your eyes, I've sent it in the pipes, follow me, let the fun begun!" He cheered. I obeyed.

I followed him through the deserted corridors until my tracks were stopped my Mrs Norris, the caretaker Mr Filch's cat, standing in a puddle of water. "Tom, this is the caretaker's cat. He will find me." I panicked. Tom hissed again and I looked away. I heard the cat meow before it crashed to the floor. Tom hissed again and I reopened my eyes to see Mrs Norris still on the floor. "Hang it up there. I need you to write a message on the wall." Tom told me. I did as I said. Blood poured on my hands after I picked up Mrs Norris and hung hee up on the wall. Tom whispered in my ear what to write and I obeyed. I looked behind me to see he was gone. I ran away quickly as I could hear someone talking in the distance.

As soon as I got to the dormitory, I cleaned the puddles of blood off my robes and my hands with spells before picking up the diary to write to Tom again. "That was close Tom! Nearly got caught!" He replied "Indeed. Thank you for helping me." I smiled. I did feel guilty about Mrs Norris, but it wasn't a human, so in a way, no real harm was done... yet? Hermione suddenly entered the dormitory and she look flustered. "There you are! Where have you been all day? You missed the rest of DATDA, Charms and dinner! Professor Lockhart was confused about why you didn't return to his lesson!" She asked. "I felt a wave of sickness, sorry. Nothing serious, I need to sleep it off I think." I lied. Hermione was convinced and promised to cover for me in Astronomy and to catch me up. "Oh! I completely forgot! Ron and I were walking back from dinner to look for Harry as he had detention and he said he was hearing voices. Next thing we knew, he was running and we ended up in a corridor completely flooded with water. We noticed something reflecting and looked up to see Mrs Norris hanging from the wall with a message beside her in blood!" She gasped. I raised my eyebrows. "Goodness. What did it say? Is Mrs Norris okay?" I asked, trying not to throw up with nerves in the process. "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware. Everyone rushed to see it afterwards. Of course, we were questioned. We explained ourselves perfectly well. Dumbledore said that Mrs Norris is just petrified. Scary though isn't it?" She replied. I nodded avoiding eye contact with her. "Anyway, I best let you rest and go to Astronomy. Get well soon." She smiled before leaving me to my thoughts.

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