Chapter Twenty-Seven~Ron's Return From An Argument And A Horcrux Destroyed.

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The day after we arrived at the woods, I received a letter from Neville. It was a relief to learn he was still alive, at least for now. He wrote: "Savannah, I have no idea where you are in the world but I hope you are safe. I'd by lying if I told you that I was. Hogwarts has changed now it's under Snape's control. Death Eaters, the Carrows, are in charge of punishment. We are being forced to learn dark magic. I refused to perform crucio, you know because of mum and dad, they attacked me. It's just a big cut. The DA have found somewhere to stay and to comfort each other (I think you'll know where). We have our own radio station, you should get a letter from the Weasleys with the password soon. I hope you're okay, I can't help but worry about you. I hope to see you soon, say hi to Harry, Hermione and Ron for me. Love and miss you twin, Neville x" I smiled, feeling the tears run down my cheeks. I wrote a letter back quickly and send it with his owl. I wrote: "Dear Neville, I'm so proud of you for sticking up for mum and dad. I'm glad you're okay. I'm fine. It's been hard, and tense, you might have heard about the thing at the ministry? It was chaos, but we survived. I miss you so much, hell I even miss Gran, give her love from me. Love you too, keep fighting. Love your twin, Savannah x" I watched the school owl fly away into the distance and I went back into the tent. A few days later, Harry and Ron had a huge argument, causing Ron to leave. Hermione was broken. We had to move locations.

As soon as we arrived somewhere new and set up the tent and the usual protective enchantments, Hermione burst into tears. Harry nodded for me to talk to her so I followed her into the tent. "How am I supposed to do all of this horcrux stuff without Ron? I'm so fed up of him and Harry fighting. I can't lose him, not now." She sobbed. I wrapped an arm around her and she leaned into me sadly. "He loves you, I know it. He'll miss you and his best friend. He's just a little angry, it's the horcrux Hermione, it somehow increases our temper. He'll cool off and he'll find a way back to you." I reassured her. "I hope so... he's my everything..." She said weakly. I held her hand and smiled. She smiled back. Ron's absence left a hole in her heart. She wasn't as bubbly or talkative as she used to be. We all went to Godric's Hollow (bad decision), to see if the Gryffindor Sword was there. Pre the argument, we made the discovery that the sword will have Baslisk venom in it from when Harry stabbed that Baslisk with it in our second year. The venom destroys horcruxes. The sword was left to Harry by Dumbledore in his will, but it was historical so he couldn't have it. Harry was given his first golden snitch, Hermione was given Dumbledore's copy of Beedle And The Bard and Ron was given his Deluminator. Anyway, in Godric's Hollow, we firstly went to the graveyard. Hermione found a familiar symbol that was bugging her while Harry and I were looking for his parents' graves. When we did, I conjured a wreath of roses to be placed there. We saw their house, where it all happened, where they were murdered and where Harry got his scar. We were then attacked by Bathilda Bagshot, who was an old friend of Dumbledore, in her house who had been possesed by Voldemort's snake, we escaped in time, thank goodness. We arrived at Forest of Dean which was covered in snow, during the apparation, Harry's wand was broken beyond repair, he had to use Hermione's. We did the usual routine and Harry did the night watch as I comforted Hermione inside the tent before we went to sleep.

We were woken up in the very early hours of the morning with Harry calling our names. We shot up, expecting for him to be in danger. We went out of the tent to see Harry with Ron, with a destroyed horcrux and the sword of Gryffindor. Hermione hit Ron in rage. She was VERY mad with him. I, on the other hand, once Hermione stormed into the tent, gave Ron a hug. In the tent, they explained what happened last night. Harry saw a patronus in the form of a doe, but couldn't see who casted it. Out of curiosity, he followed it. It led him to find the sword of Gryffindor in a frozen lake. He broke the ice, jumped in and the horcrux nearly caused him to drown as it put up a fight. Ron saved his life. Harry opened the horcrux with parseltongue and Ron destroyed it. "How did you find us?" I asked. Ron explained how a ball of light appeared, in the Deluminator, it had Hermione's voice calling his name. He clicked it, it went through him, to his heart. He apparated, arriving here and that's when he found Harry. Hermione was blushing slightly. "I've found out where that symbol from the graveyard is from, Luna's father wore it at the wedding. I need to see him. I feel this symbol represents something important as it's doodled in the book Dumbledore gave me." Hermione stated, pointing to the triangular symbol in her book. We all agreed and apparated together.

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