Chapter 73: Wandered off

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Dream POV.

“He’s been missing you all morning.” Philza explained as I walked with him through the forest, with Techno following behind me. “Whenever we are not reading the book he is staring longingly back towards the house.” I awed at the thought, the way that the human always wanted to be near me was so cute.

“Sorry I took so long.” I responded sheepishly. “After Techno pissed me off I made us both breakfast since he insisted on having some.”
“I love free food.” The pink wrath demon cut me off with a shrug.

“And then we both started talking about our videos and stuff and I guess we must have lost track of time.” I explained. “We were planning on finding you guys afterwards though, honest.” I listened to George reading yesterday and I would love to hear his soft, honey-like voice again as he talked about the best book that humans had created.

“Well we just stopped reading for a bit of lunch.” Philza explained as we walked through the forest and the surprisingly peaceful morning. I could see why Karl wanted the group to come out here and read.

As we said that we saw the picnic blanket where the group must have been gathered around reading. I grinned and ran away from the other two, planning on finding my beloved human and being able to hold him. Much to my surprise as I approached I only saw Karl and Sapnap, with their arms wrapped around each other.

I tried not to roll my eyes as they kissed one another happily. Karl was sitting on the demon’s lap with Sapnap holding the human’s face gently and their lips locked together. Soft sounds were falling from Karl’s lips, sounds of pleasure as he embraced his demon. Demons were naturally touchy creatures, and it made me grin at the way he managed to get Karl to do the same thing.

But where was George? I looked around the area and he wasn’t there. It confused me and I immediately went over to the couple in a loving embrace. “Where is George?” I asked them, raising a brow. The two of them didn’t seem to realise that we had appeared and Karl flushed bright red before burying his head into Sapnap’s chest.

While Sapnap held his embarrassed human close I was still looking around and trying to find mine. “Where is he?” I repeated.
The two didn’t seem to know exactly, but against Sapnap’s chest Karl mumbled something. “I think he went for a walk.” He explained.

My brows furrowed and I looked away. I didn’t like the idea of my precious human being being alone in the woods. Even if he had survived out here on his own for years and it seemed quite quiet and safe, it could be very dangerous. I didn’t want him to get hurt out here where there were hundreds of miles of forest to get lost in.

Sapnap had gone to look down at his pet, trying to coax Karl’s head out of his chest, but Karl’s face was still as red as a tomato and he didn’t seem to have any interest in moving in the near future. I rolled my eyes once again and turned to go looking for my human.

“Do you need help, Dream?” Philza asked, looking over at me sympathetically. “I could come with you to help you find George.”
“I will help too.” Techno offered. “Even if he does hate me I’d rather be looking for him than watching those two make out.”

At the mention of ‘them’ he thrusted his hand towards Sapnap and Karl, pointing at them with his thumb. Sapnap seemed offended and glared at Techno. “If you had a pet human, especially one as cute as mine, you’d probably be acting the same.”
“I assure you I won’t.” Techno replied, rolling his eyes.

“You guys don’t need to come with me.” I responded. “George just probably went for a walk. I’ll find him and get back in a few minutes.” Without letting them respond I walked off. In the silence of the early afternoon I listened to everything around me, trying to find any sound which hinted as to where my beloved pet was.

“George!” I called out once or twice, after wandering far enough away that the rest of the group wouldn’t be able to hear me. “Where are you?” Although I loved and trusted George a small, microscopic part of me worried that he had run off somewhere to try and get away from me and the rest of this life.

But I had thought, I had hoped that we had moved past it. Perhaps though George had never outgrown that phase, and he had just pretended to like me and get along with me so that he had a chance to get away. Perhaps it wasn’t such a small part of me that had these worries and these fears. I admitted.

I didn't want to say that. I didn’t want to feel like the human who I had poured my heart out to, and who I had helped more times than I could count hated me either. It made me feel like I was useless, pathetic, and just not worthy of anything. “George!” I called out again, hoping that perhaps this time he would respond and put me out of my miserable thoughts.

This was the direction that Karl had said that George had walked in, yet there was no sign of him, but I was beginning to feel even more on edge as I realised that I knew somewhat where in the forest I was. It caused a growl to build up inside of me, one of speculation as I knew that this place could hurt me, or even worse, it could hurt my beloved human.

This was the spot where I remember last seeing George’s father. This had been hours after my precious human was taken by his father to stop me from attacking him, which is something I wasn’t going to do. I had threatened the human man and told him that if I ever saw him around here again, and if he ever did anything to hurt George then I would rip him to shreds.

My eyes glowed as I glanced around the area, almost in preparation to tear the man apart now. It had been weeks since I had seen him though and so he was probably long gone from here since that was what he was planning on doing when he left with George in the first place.

Since this was making no progress, and since I was no closer to being able to find out where my human was and what happened to him I paused, taking a long and deep breath. As I listened desperately to the area around me I heard the rushing of water from the river. The one that travelled right past the cabin George and Karl shared.

The loud water reminded me of the way that George had fallen into the river in fear and almost drowned twice, with me having to save him both times. My poor beloved human was absolutely traumatised by the place and it was not far from here where I had found him shaking and sobbing after coming across his father.

But surely he wouldn’t be out here after that, I thought to myself, my brows furrowing and my glowing green eyes dimming. It had been almost a half hour of me wandering and thinking while attempting to locate my human pet and so with a sad sigh I turned around, since by this point in time he would have probably returned from his walk, if that was where he had been.
1317 words

Dream is starting to think that George ran off and doesn't love him.

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