C6: my life

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Luke & I got home, along with the sleeping Maddilyn. I invited Luke inside so he wouldn't be bored all day. plus my dad left for work. the three huge dogs lifted their heads.

"CHEESE RICE!" Luke hissed, in a quiet tone.

"what? the dogs?" I said as I dropped Maddi off in my room, then came back to Luke.

"uh, what else? the creepy looking mirror? the tremendous amount of- eh that ain't bad. the amazing wooden kitchen?!" Luke said pointing in the directions he talked about.

"Luke, after my dads ex-wife moved out...I wasn't allowed to see her with out my dad... and when my dad left me home alone, I didn't have anyone to talk to, okay? I begged my dad and his girlfriend for a dog...and big ones to know I am safe.... but hey, when I was a kid I had a pitbull mix around. pit bulls are aggressive dogs, and did he rip off my arm? oh heck no, he cared for the kids that loved him. he could walk with my dad without a leash and not run after anyone. it was crazy, I know. then we got a Great Dane. but he didn't get so big, but he loved my brother and sister. he tried running away but soon realized that he didn't have us kids to love him...

"then we got a husky, with enough energy to tire me out. he was my best friend, and he seemed like a best friend to my dad. when my step mom got a job, and she wasn't there, he would lay with me and my dad. he was my dads best friend..

"then we got another husky...I wasn't there when they first got him..but when I met him, now that was the best friendship ever. he cuddled with me the last few days before he went into my dads ex-wife's house...and I maybe have cried when they all left. that's who that girl was. my step sister.

"whhoooaaaa..." Luke said blown away.

by that time, I was using three huge dogs as one huge blanket.

"how are y-" Luke stopped for a moment.

"I am actually safe, they practically levitate on me. or I'm just numb as heck. Used to it maybe." I shrugged. Luke sat a few seats away from me.

"I don't want to come near you.. because they seem like flies to light or something..." Luke said.

I made a few kissie noises to get their attention. their heads lifted lazily, looking at me. I nodded to the floor. their big eyes blinked rapidly. "off, babes." I said Struggling to get up.

they kept staring at me, like they were deaf. I made a clicking sound so they would know, that I meant what I said. all three fluffy creatures jumped off my body as I sat up.

"thanks, neon, Astro, and murdock." I said scratchin each of their heads. Luke looked at me with confusion.

"wild beasts with an empress is all I have I say." Luke said. I rolled my eyes. Luke changed spots to be closer to me, but just as he sat down, Mads began to cry. I groaned and got up.

I took Maddilyn out of her carrier and cradled her in my arms.

I began to sing.

"Like an Astronaut that's scared of hieghts...

with a heart that's beating at the speed of light...

you've been waiting for this all your life....

sometimes you have to realize...

when your stuck in-

a moment-

it's our time-

to own it.

so own it!

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