C9: Beauty & the Gutarist

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3 hours. 3hours since the panic attack with Luke.

I was sittin on the floor with Niall, playing a game called Blind Man. it's where you are blind folded and they other person took something, and gave it to you. you had to guess what it was with out your sight. I had gotten Luke, Luke's hand, Luke's shoe, Luke's hair, and not to mention it, nialls friggin' sock.

so my pay back to Niall was all girlie stuff. so I brought my back pack downstairs. I handed him a tampon, without casing. just in its plastic cover-case thing. I gave it to Niall laughing and the others watched in horror.

"th-the horror, bro." Michael said hugging Luke.

"why do I like you?! why are we friends!?" Luke gasped pointing at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled mischeviously.

Niall messed around with it, like poking the guys with the tampon. they squealed in disgust.

"uhh, a girl's unmentionables?" Niall said.

"yep." I took the pink object from nialls hand and handed him my lucky bra. which was pastel pink and pastel blue, and had matchin bottoms.

"bra." Niall said quickly throwing it at me.

"yeaaaah." I pulled out my hair dryer, then my lotion.

I handed Niall my hair dryer. he thought it was a fat, over weight gun. Niall called it a metal boomerang. then a regular gun, then some kind of toy gun.

"ITS NOT A GUN, DUDE!" Josh Devine called out taking his hands off his head.

....one eternity later....

"a blow dryer?" Niall said.

my head lifted off of Luke's knees, "yes." I mumbled.

"yaaaay!" Niall threw off the blind fold.

Luke stretched, and and sat up.

"how special are you? it took you two hours to guess a hair dryer?" Michael asked

he nodded, "it was a type of gun!" he threw down the bright blue dryer.

I yawned for a moment. "Luke, what time is it?" I whispered.

"11:34 at night." Josh said yawning. I groaned with boredom. Luke stood and threw me on his back. "dude, we need to eat. that's why we fell asleep." josh suggested.

I smiled at the idea of food. "my taste buds agree with you, sir!" I said in a tiny voice. Luke laughed then, he flipped me around so I could see over his shoulder. he held me with my legs over his left shoulder, and arms over the right. army-style. I rested my head against his neck.

"what to eat..." Niall said walking to a cabinet in the kitchen. he opened it and pulled out plastic covered papers, each had different names. "Yummy Sushi? Mario's Pizzeria? los fugitivos mexicanos? Power-".

"YUMMY SUSHI!" Josh, Michael, and Luke called.

"but what about Cal and Ash?" I whispered.

"they left, remember?" josh said.

"oh, okay. I forgot." I said. Luke put me down with a thud.

"Dang, have you lost weight yet?" Niall said.

I looked at Niall with pain. "That's nice." I whispered. I hugged Luke's side lightly. I sighed. my eyes shifted to the window and saw darkness had kissed sun to bed for the night..

"lemme know when foods here." I said and walked upstairs. a tear fell from my eye and I wiped it away. I crawled into Luke's bed and pulled the covers over my head. I sniffled and peeked over the hem of the covers.

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