C27: Ghosts

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Luke looks like that now...in the book
read authors note at the end pls :)
ur loved deeply if u read. BTW lyric is so cute in this chapter with her words:).


this was so stupid. I poured the hot coffee into his mug, trying not to pour it on his lap. he had decided sleeping in my bed with me- like he could get away with it- while I slept. when I woke up, he had an arm wrapped around my waist. the only thing normal was Lyric curled up hugging my head.

"well, that was such a surprise I want to give you steaming. hot. coffee." I whispered. don't let the tea pot tip. don't let the tea pot tip.



TIP ME OVER AND POUR ME OUT!" Lyric screeched toddling downstairs with her blue kitten.

"sweetie! what are you doing?" I asked picking up my mug of peppermint tea. I leaned out to see Lyric dancing too. she held invisible hands, feet standing on invisible ones.

"mommy, bunny and me dancin'!" Lyric squealed.

"ooh, really? how is Bunny?" I said smiling.

"he happier! he love us!" she said and she giggled

"oh good! is he sorry?" i walked away from Luke and sat down near Lyric. she twirled around and smiled.

"sorry!" a voice chimed in. it was bunny mans. Luke was standing in the door way, his eyes focusing on the blank air that Lyric grasped.

"you heard that right?" Luke murmured.

"yes. it was Roberts." I whispered looking at Lyric.

"baby, do you want to go hang out with your aunties?" I asked standing taking the blue kitten from her. she kept dancing through my words. I pretended to break Lyric and Roberts hands. "Lyric?"

"yes, mommy..Bunny Man come?" she asked looking at me.

"no, I wanna talk to bunny man." I said.

"okay." she said. "chocolate pans?"

"of course, how about chocolate waffles? with some whip cream and sprinkles?"

her eyes lit up and she ran over to me. "Gum Bear?" she gushed as she hugged my calves tight.

"no, no gummy bears. maybe later though, but not for breakfast." I laughed. she pouted.

"how do you understand her?" Luke whispered as he guided me to the kitchen.

"my daughter. I get what she says. when I was a baby, on Easters Eve, I constantly said eggs eggs eggs eggs." I said shrugging. (eggsie m'BOY! -KingsMan WATCH IT and the eggs thing is true as Thomas being Cals middle name)

"yeah, I remember the video." he laughed and sat at the kitchens bar.

"yeah, she has her slang that I know."

"MMMMUUUUMMMMYYY! I hepp!" Lyric cried crawling up onto Luke's lap. she stood on his thigh, she pushed herself up onto the counter and walked over to me. she was a few inches taller, but she enjoyed it.

"really? can you crack the eggs for me?" I handed her the see-through black bowl. she sat down, set the bowl down and wrapped her legs around it. I handed her four eggs, knowing she'd at least get one or two on her.

Luke pointed, "why four? there's three of us." he gave a skeptical smile and one eyebrow went up.

"she'll get one or two on her. and I'm giving her a bath after breakfast. she held the egg above her head, then dropped it into the bowl. it made the clear liquid of the egg go everywhere.

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