[Chapter 55]

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(Log 056)

[Multiple Demiurge Archtype Entities had been detected.] An alert was sent to its forces... a hint of dissatisfaction when it realized what universe it had descended based on the information in the archive.

The world was ruled by Gods as terrible it sounds to call them as one, sounding more of an insult to the Creator the One True God that ruled everything while seated upon their throne at the seventh heaven while guarded by his Seraphim.

The creator doesn't need worship unlike most Gods exist in existence would need the worship and belief of others just to maintain there existence or else they would fade away like any mortal beings.

The same can be said with the beings in this world... only they are much worse than most God who are at least competent in doing there job as a divine that will try to protect their worshipper.

After all if they lose them, then they will be weakened and slowly die like mortals since they needed others to sustain their existence, but these gods on the other hand... it made the Axis Mind disgusted.

To use innocent as mere toys that makes the Axis Mind dissatisfied and furious at the sheer incompetence and decadence that these Gods excessively made, that is not to mention the misdeeds they made.

They were an insult to creator they hold the title of divinity... yet what did they do with it? Wasting themselves in sinful and decadent live, lavishly enjoying themselves while the own people suffer.

Even the Olympians Gods despite for all there misdeeds had done better when compared to these... parasites, yes it was more fitting to call these beings as parasites rather than to be seen as Gods.

They fester on the people that believe in them, leaching onto them as nothing more than source of sustain instead of children's who they should have taught and guided rather than to be use as toys.

They're not things, they are living beings with emotions and freewill to think and decided for themselves... just because they were... Gods, means they shouldn't treat their believers like mere... puppets.

These God orchetratested repeated wars that would bring more suffering to the people of this world... all for what? Just to entertain themselves? That is ridiculous and disgusting to even know.

Millions of lives lost... their future taken away cruelly by uncaring Gods who had used them only as tools to amuse them... these so called Gods once mortal grew corrupted by the powers they've gained.

Blinded by their pride, greed and vanity, they where wasteful of the power they had, when it could've been used to help others, instead they use it to bring more pain and suffering upon innocent lives.

They oppressed any opposition that will have threatened their rule, eliminating intellectuals who could have innovated and improve the lives of many, they stole the knowledge and work of others.

Using them as if it is their own, they are unfit to be Gods, they were supposed to encourage their people to grow and prosper... not continuously regress and suffer just for their own entertainment.

It felt wrong, no it was incredibly wrong and isn't right at all... most of the specie that worshipped them didn't come from this world, rather through a dimensional gateway that none of them created or know how to use it properly.

They've grown arrogant... believing they were the greatest existence that no one could match... oh, how wrong they were once the Axis Mind was finished with its plan, the Gods would see themselves fall from the throne they all proudly sat on.

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