[Chapter 186]

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(Log 187: Luciel POV)

What was it meant to be a bearer of the Gnosis? What purpose does one have than simply being the savior and guardian of mankind?

To wield such an undaunted power that many others would have desired, to be a power that stands above the rest?

To possess knowledge that others would have fought and sacrificed to gain, such was the treasure trove that the Gnosis blessed upon those who wielded it.

Yet... with such power and knowledge at their fingertips... how sure can one be that it would not be abused?

That it would not be used against those they had sworn to protect? They had sworn to become their saviors?

History has proven time and time again that those with great power or vast knowledge had abused the blessing they had been given since birth, others earned by proving themselves worthy.

However... their trials never ended, life was the trial itself and throughout all of their experirnces in life shape and define their existence.

The choices and actions they take carve the path that they have chosen, the future that they had desire or had been unwanted, all were the results of their life's culmination.

Death was where the trial ends, life is a journey of infinite steps that leads to infinite possibilities, each one unknown and unforeseen until the results are met.

The future was always uncertain, it will always be a mystery that you can never unravel regardless of how much you've tried prepare and plan for everything... uncertainties are always there to hinder or change the courses of a person's goal.

Such as I have made the choice to let the Gnosis be given to four young teenagers who's fate I let it be uncertain... foolish? Perhaps I was... but the human side that I had never discarded nor ignored wish to take a leap of faith.

To believe that the choice I've made was wise or perhaps foolhardy? Then again... that's always what I was, a fool... a madman... an hopeless man that dream of possibilities impossible by my hands.

Even after my ascendancy that still had not changed... in fact i remained true to who I was... change may come but that's not to say I will discard or forgot who I was and what I was before.

Now I watch my four Emanators stand against Mothers(God/YHWH/Allah/Monad) ancient foes, Seth though never had been seen or heard much in the bible.

Was there when he had tried to stand against the 10 plagues unleashed upon Egypt, I was witness and executioner that delivered the ten verdicts upon the Egyptians.

I was there to fight against him and no it is not the one in this reality, the real and true Seth from the Divine Realms seated above most realities.

I snorted at the thought of going into the Divine Realms, the home of the so-called Gods... only a few religions had earned my respect given their devotion to help mankind and lack of sins or what little there was.

My power was imprinted upon the Gnosis and so was the true Seth of Egypt, he and his Pantheon tried to stop me... unfortunately their attempts where funny at best or pitiful at worse.

I was the anathema to the gods born of mothers creation... an Anti-God designed to counter the so called divine beings of creation.

Perhaps that's why they called me as the Profaned One? Certainly my nature was far more eldritch in nature compared to the angels of heaven that they've met.

But I was the embodimenr of what was before creation, so its expected that I was going to be eldritch in nature for I wasn't so grounded to the laws as those divine pretenders were.

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