[Chapter 179]

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(Log 180)

"You really had screwed up Palpatine..." A man turned to look at Sparkle who was smiling innocently as though she hadn't just caused the biggest sensation in the galaxy sometime ago.

"Well... that wrinkly old man had it coming, it's only right he gets to be served that way." Sparkle argued as she twirled her cute pistol... her very dangerous little pistol.

"You served him more in one way that is certain... the Empire is in a panic right now and it won't be long before they are going to see rebellion popping across the galaxy." The man remarked as he looks to the vacuum of space.

"A Swarm Disaster has already been unleashed... not even Yozun Vong would want to mess with a Swarm Disaster." The intergalactic self-destructive hippies in space with sadomasochistic tendency were quite afraid.

Who wouldn't be? This was just your average biological terror that's running rampant across the stars... like in many other universes where civilizations fight to either win or lose at the end.

This was a threat level that reaches to a higher plane, a metaphysical disaster that's bound to cause calamity on a vast scale that the galaxy couldn't comprehend.

Not like they could... the Swarm Disaster is a self-propagating catastrophe designed for certain purposes that fitted their criteria.

Propagatiom, Escalation, and Warfare, a triumvirate to a perfect specie of war... one that aim to upend the imbalance of realities, to return equilibrium by force.

A last resort if subtle and less escalating means required to resolve an issue... but heaven was always straight to the point, so rarely does a Swarm Disaster happen.

Until now that is... a Swarm Disaster has been unleashed... it takes only a single drop of spore to see it escalate and bring chaos to a universe within a day.

Depending on the situation... though if it faces stiff resistance which is rare... well it'll only get worse for its unfortunate foes, war was where the Swarm thrives.

And when there is war... there is adaptation... there is evolution, plain yet simple really and the man doubts such a low class universe can fight the Swarm.

It was a multidimensional plague that is more than capable of swallowing narratives, creation would be mere fiction to the Swarm which it could influnece by their presence alone... why it was even made by the Heavenly Omen?

He doesn't know... nor wants to know, it is extremely difficult or impossible to understand the Seraphim's thoughts or plans, it's machinations always random.

It doesn't follow a pattern rather it splits off across many patterns that are impossible to connected as they continue to diverge and multiply into a new set of patterns.

Like Chaos incarnate in equilibrium with Order, the nature of the Seraphs or Aeons as they are also called varies... it is hard to understand given they are contradictory to themselves and their nature.

They do not stay as a blank slate or as a plain canvass that could be understand, they were complex and infinitely greater than anything... even creation is much easier to understand than them.

"Oh, please! Those hippies are just some horrible knockoff to other biological civilization who could propagate better, all they do is preach and preach their ridiculous faith." Sparkled restored with a snort.

"Yet they had matched and even manage to surpass some of the galaxy's finest men and women, their technology being equal or nearly enough to rival even that of the Siths weapon." The man reminds her about the original timeline.

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