[Chapter 125]

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(Log 126)

[Are you ready mom?] Akula asks as they prepared to enter the Shrour Wall, Rosaline stared at it as though it was the catalyst of a new change, a change that she had not anticipated when she had first gotten Akula, yet here she was now.

The Shroud Walls reverberated with the same familiar roaring thunderous storm as it twisted and turn in ways that a cloud storm should be capable of doing, but the Shroud Walls was created by the Fog and was not a normal phenomenon.

It took down mankind's age of sail when the Fog first arrive, dividing the world across the vast ocean shrouded within it and sunked any who trespassers who'd tried to pierce through the Shroud Wall.

All had failed, none succeeded had ever breach its thick veil that forever locked much of the sea away from humanity, none even know what's beyond it aside of being aware that the fogs lurked in it.

Stalking humanity behind the wall they had built, waiting to strike at any who'd be foolish enough to breach their taken territory... the fog where never merciful sinking any who tries to breach the wall.

Yet now here she was about to do... what many had never done before, to cross the wall that divided humanity from the vast ocean it had once sailed, she was to be the first to be set sail unto the oceans.

An opportunity no one have managed to performed for over a century since they had been confined to the waters near the mainland, it's already a miracle that the fog had not fully covered the oceans.

A twisted joke perhaps? None may know unless they find the answer as to why the fog never even tried to invade them fully, a mad endeavor that would make them look crazy, in the eyes of the many.

Yet none have been bold enough to even try and do such a thing, considering that even madmans fear the fog, one has to take a whole new level of insanity to try and communicate with the dreaded Fog.

Or at least that's how things would have been had known until Akula and Cleo came in, revealing how much they have not known about the Fog or at least from what she'd learned from her kids.

The Fogs may not be as united as they've thought, likely feeling discontent at the act of imprisoning mankind like this or taking pity, she didn't know, she barely knows who managed to knocked her up.

Speaking of the latter... she was going to make sure that she would find her would be husband that hid the truth of her children's from her, she doesn't know how it's possible... but the fog are always capable of doing the impossible.

No surprise given they're hyper advance aliens from beyond another dimension or higher, she does not even understand as why would they even focus on earth, nothing was special on the planet that they she call home, it was just a dirtball.

"Perhaps there's more to this world than meets the eye." Rosaline thought as she wondered the possibilities as to why the fog are so keen in earth and mankind, do they have something that they want?

She doesn't know and neither Akula and Cleo could answer her question, not when they seem to be remember due to a restriction set in place by their likely father, which irritated Rosaline and just made her want to beat her said husband.

The answer lies beyond these wall she is now facing, her hand grave the thick cloud that is made of strange yet unique particles capable of eluding mankind no matter how much they tried to crack the secrets, behind the nature of the Shroud.

She felt no electrocution only a sense of tingling sensation that seemed ticklish runs through her skin, she shivered by a bit as she retracts her hand from the disturbingly warmth and soothing walls.

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