[Chapter 60]

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(Log 061)

"Um... excuse me but, where exactly are we going mister angel?" Asia Argento asks as she found herself taken away by the weird looking angel, he/she doesn't look exactly what an angel is described.

The angel that saved her and deems her innocent was far too alien, it was to different from what she had known... but the aura the angel has is undeniable as she felt the holy aura coming from the angelic being that she was following.

It has already been two weeks since she was taken away from the church and brought to a place she cannot recognize, yet the place brought a soothing feeling as though her soul was held by the lord.

But such feeling couldn't be possible she is merely a nun serving the lord almighty who sat on top of his throne in the highest point in heaven gazing down on his creation with the love of a father.

What importance could she have? After all she is just a simple child and one who merely tried helping others when they are in need... whether they be good or bad their sins could always be solved.

The lord forgives, his mercy was infinite and he always welcomes those that would repent from their sins... for god is love and he would always forgive even the most sinful beings once they repent.

[You will soon know little one.] She could only nod and obey what the angel told her, even if she was getting curious as to where she was being taken after weeks of travel from Italy... to somewhere else.

She can't know where it is but... she was feeling a sense of trepidation, excitement, elation, positive feelings she couldn't fathom to feel simultaneously it was incredibly nerve-wracking for Asia.

"O-Okay." After being treated to various places such as theme parks, restaurants and various places... she seemed to be doted upon by the angel which she was confused as to why the angel was doing.

She was a nun and material possessions are rarely something they enjoy, since it would be a sin to be tempted by such things... but of course an angel had offered to which Asia... politely rejected.

It was a test of faith, rude it may look to deny such splendors granted by an angel... she was wholly devoted to the lord and nothing, not even wealth, power or any temptation will sway her.

The angel respected her and seems to be impressed by the effort she showed by not once faltering in her faith to God so much that she's radiating quite a lot of energy was in fact Asia, faith to the lord.

[The Prime-Directive is quite impressed... and also pleased by her action.] The Axis Mind muses to herself as she had been taking the girl to various places instead of directly sending her to the Prime-Directive abode in heaven above.

Specifically to dote on the poor girl, but instead she saw her devotion and faith it was so strong and potent... she now understand why the Prime-Directive is so vehement in saving the girl from the injustice she would've been condemned.

The Axis Mind had felt disgust in seeing the corruption within the church, by her own observation... other atrocities were still needed to be resolved, rooting out the corruptions within the church.

There purpose was to help there people yet all she see was nearly half of them abusing the power given to them, it was time to grant them retribution though she will have to do so in more... subtle acts that won't catch too much attention.

When she saved the Asia, the Axis Mind had isolated the area and separating it from the rest of the world, Mind wiping the events that transpired there except those that the Prime-Directive sentence guilty as they needed to repent their sin.

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