[Chapter 91]

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(Log 092) (15 years later)

[My lady please wait!] One tired and also definetly exasperated Axis Mind ran after a blur that's running through the street with a short pair of horns that are slightly curved and black as the night sky, with hair that looks like the cosmos.

She wore a rather... peculiar dress and it seemed like no one in particular care to look at it or wonder why she wore a dress that made her look like a random cosplayer with how revealing her clothes that reveals her own long thighs.

"Guizhong, hurry up! We are going to be late." The bubbly yet seemingly cheerful individual exclaimed passing through people or rather she is phasing through people as though they were simply... air.

The ordinary people around her seemed to not notice this strange phenomenon as the young woman ran through with a joyful and excited expression on her face while her watcher feel exasperated.

[You're being to excited, it's just a normal concert.] Guizhong deadpanned while warping beside the young woman as she rolled her eyes wondering why her own lady would be interested in this concert.

"Are you kidding me?! This is the biggest concert that's being performed by Japan greatest idol." The young woman exclaimed a dreamy look on her face as she imagine... seeing her favorite singer.

The sheer thought of it is making her all excited and giddy though not to the degree as diehard idol fans would, but it is more in the lines of passion of loving something that you see as your favorite.

Which in this case isn't just the idol that she wants to see but the songs that is going to play... which she does not doubt would be as great or even better than the last performances that she watched.

"Who would not want to see her newest performance especially those songs she made." She added remembering the last time she listened the singer's performance which was truly grandeur.

[Yes, of course her songs is amazing... but it's uncomfortable to stand besides those fans of her's.] Guizhong remarked while remembering the last time they did... the Prime-Directive 'nearly' erased said fans.

And that was because some of those fans were incredibly toxic or outright fanatics with unhealthy obsessions she's quite appalled to see when she had first witnessed such a dark side of humanity.

"Oh, don't worry nothing bad is going to happen." Her lady reassured she was not stupid or ignorant having witness or at least was aware of what happened even if her father had kept it as a secret.

"At least, so long as I becareful next time and not let father smite some poor soul... again." She sheepishly remarked remembering the last time someone had 'tried' to get close to her a few years ago with nefarious reasons that wasn't good.

Well... her father did not hesitate to just smite the person and send his soul to hell after he had judged him enough to find a legitimate reason to throw the person into hell... where the person was or rather sinner was suffering eternally.

At least until this person repents for the transgression he tried to commit and also the sins that he carried in the past... which were many. "Still I wonder why did dad throw him into hell?" She asked.

[My lady... that person was a pedophile, a sinner with many cases of rape, murder and sexual assault on children that were either 12 or 8 years old.] Guizhong spoke with disgust at the memory since she witnessed the disgusting scum suffering.

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