[Chapter 88]

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(Log 089)

"It's much worse than I had expected it." Azazel sighed upon reading the report regarding the incident in Romania just like the chaos happening for nearly 4 months now... a new tragedy had struck.

Vampires across the world had suffered terrible death under what was called the 'Forsakened Night' nearly 67% of the vampires were wiped out from existence there remains being nothing more than just ash, blown by the winds.

The incident was so terrible that it made everyone pause just from witnessing the sight that had befallen the Vampiric race... though they all did had it coming as they had been arrogant for centuries.

Their own attitude gave them little allies from other species due to their pride and arrogance as they looked down on other species only to a much greater degree but its not as big as a dragon ego.

Still... it was enough to give them a lot of enemies due to their attitude well mostly the vampiric aristocrats as those lower in position are much less prideful compared to their... nobility and royalty.

Those were the one with an oversize ego that it's surprising they haven't all died out... though they nearly did with this recent incident with none even knowing who caused that terrible attack on them.

Some thinks it was the church but given they had only reacted after the incident where they took over several territories that once were lands of the vampire but not anymore as most of them were dead.

Dead as in beyond revival as their souls had been destroyed by whatever caused the moonlight to become the equivalent of the sun curse on the vampires which was an irony, as they thrive in the night.

Though not anymore considering they'd been turned to ash by the moonlight and that is not even mentioning the loss of power that those survivors had since they are now weaker and less powerful.

Whatever or whoever had caused it had achieve their goals or at least that's what Azazel is assuming, since no one has been able to find who the perpetrators were that caused the cause.

And like he said the church could be put to blame since they had acted just as the other species living in Romania taking over former land of the vampires which is a normal reaction for any faction and the church wasn't a exception to do this.

So while they had been quiet for the last few months now most assumed that it's under the same reason as the other factions and thats weariness to all of the strange attacks that happening and they themselves might be the next target of it.

Which was likely and could explain why they had been so quiet for months now, he can guess that Michael had been kept aware of the incident and likely ordered the increase the security of their faction.

Which was happening to all others... but only after the devastation that had been wrought across Romania which is now a new added territory of the church and a few lesser factions since the incident ended, with the vampires being weaker.

To sum it all up everything is on 'FUBAR'  as the humans would say it and Azazel is not having a good day since the incident with hundreds of fallen having died during the catastrophe in Romania which... was a huge blow for the Grigori.

Azazel was noticing the pattern of attack and he does not like it. "First the devils, then the vampires... it seems were their next target." He muttered as he narrowed eyes as he assumed the worst.

"We'll have to tighten security they don't care of their ranks so they'll attack every fallen on earth... it's best to warn everyone before we to go extinct." He is unsure how much this would help since no one knows who this hidden enemy is.

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