[Chapter 147]

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(Log 148: Videofeed)

[Target spotted... preparing to eliminate.] Dutchman stared at the peculiar ship that seems oddly familiar to her, but she couldn't really elaborate why the ship she had been tasked to hunt down seem familiar to her, for some strange reason.

[Specialize class vesse, threat level: high.] Based on evidences that had been delivered to her, the ship she was facing was truly a unique breed that no one in the Atlantic Domain seem to indentify nor does she see it exist in the database.

It was a complete unknown to her and it warranted caution when facing given it manage to defeat a seasoned fleet on it's own... showcasing it's capability not just through its technology but actual battle.

However most of the record has showed her that the ship never once assumed its mobike warframe mode which was considered to be the pinnacle power that a ship possess across the seven domains.

Though rarely does it warrant the use in combat, given that their enemies were weak and barely could survive a blast to the hull without imploding instantly, this was the 1st ever case it will be used.

She concluded that normal warfare was the ship's main expertise in, given what she had seen so far had proven much of what the ship can do even when it was all on its own, it can fight an entire fleet.

[Conclusion mobile warframe required...] It was evident enough that fighting it with conventional means won't be good enough to win against it, especially an unknown that she is unable to indentify.

Striking straight first into battle without proper planning was a futile endeavor, Dutchman was designed not only as an advance offensive class warship but also a stealth ship based due to her duty.

[Hydron Artilleries: Activating...] She has already made her move it's only a matter of time before they find her, she must use the element of surprise while she still can and eliminate their shields.

[Astro-scopes: activating... stabilizing the Sea of Spaces... releasing cosmic sails...] Unluckily for her prey she was designed to fight within the Sea of Spaces without being affected by the realm own nature.

Like a hunter that caught it's prey, she is quick to strike heavy blows to kill her prey as she fired her Hydron Weapons... a time-spacial conduit that hurts out collapsing dimensions that will implode.

Shots were fired and the first volley had met it's mark. [Rayleigh Field detected...] Dutchman's eyes furrowed upon seeing her first blow which she had powered to the maximum not destroying her targets shield... instead it still stands unharmed.

[Calibrating... reassessing parameters of the enemy... threat level: T3-A.] Regardless of the enemy's capability she was always triumphant and would beat it, regardless of how many surprises the enemy has up its sleeves she would win.

[Preparing Astrometic Torpedoes.] She is bringing up her more latest weapons to see how effective it would be to strike down the enemy's shields, detecting that the shield were by no means... ordinary.

In fact she is unable to even identify... it. [Frustrating... calibrating energy levels to 300%.] Torpedoes were energized to carry higher levels of payloads within a nanoseconds before being launched, the all flew at speed at near light... instantly.

Such a ferocious speed would've killed a ship or anything that impacted by such a high speeding weapon but the Fogs are anything but normal, their knack for absurdity were well known even among their kind especially when its in combat.

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