PART 2: Am i dreaming?

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I rushed off from the entrance because I couldn't believe my eyes...or ears. I knew I was hallucinating, I had to be.
The Jeon Jungkook... No, it can't be.
I swear I am seeing things. That is what I told myself and continued with the hike. The weather was perfect, birds chirping, I could hear the sound of water from the waterfall nearby and that was where I wanted to go. I brought my drawing book and pencils so I can also squeeze in some time to draw the beautiful scenery and not just have mental note of it.
I sang along to the playlist I created specifically for this hike. I could finally breathe, away from everyone else, away from civilization, away from all my problem. Just trees, water, birds and clean air.
I closed my eyes and took a very deap breath and held it in... A few more seconds, let me see if I'll break my previous record of 30 seconds... Haha I wasn't so good at this.
As I held my breath and was down to the 27th second I shifted my leg and didn't notice the slippery ground. I was going to fall when I felt two strong arms around me.

"be careful there, what do you think you are doing holding your breath and sliding down. Did you come here to do what I think you did?"... Jungkook scolded me with a stern yet low voice.

"Oh jinjja aniyo... Excuse my Korean isn't the best. Not at all." all I managed to let out.

"Wae...wae??? What then?" He looked even more puzzled

"I was trying to beat my last score holding my breath but I slipped. I didn't notice the slippwry ground. No cause for alarm sir. And thank you"... I finally managed to keep my cool on the outside but the fangirl in me was still freaking out.

"I'm sorry I just got scared for a moment. I didn't mean to sound like a scolding parent... My name is Jungkook, nice to meet you." He said while stretching his hands to me.

Omg omg omg I can't believe this is happening. I'm in one of those delulu state I read about. It has to be.

"I'm YN. Nice to meet you too Jungkook". I extended my hands to him.

We shook hands and exchanged a brief smile before he spoke again.

"I'm here alone and by the look of things so are you. Just for today, would you mind hiking together, that way we can look after each other and not slip?" He said while flashing me that famous bunny smile. Who would turn that down.

"Sounds like a good plan. Safety first. Aye aye Captain...lead the way" I blurted out regretting it almost immediately.

What was wrong with me and my stupid mouth ayyy. I'm embarassed now.


Luckily I was there to catch her when she slipped. I suggest hiking together because I just didn't trust to leave her alone in the woods. I know it's non of my business but Jin hyung taught me better that to leave a woman out and alone wherever.

"Sounds like a good plan, safety first. Aye aye captain, lead the way " she blurted out and I'm sure she immediately regretted it.

It made me laugh, so much that my tummy hurt... Her face turned pink and I'm sure she was embarrassed. She looked so cute trying to play it off and hide her face. I didn't want to embarrass her more so I stopped laughing and instead tried to make conversation.

" I see you have a LY hoodie on, are you an army?"I asked trying to ease her mind.

"Oh yes, it's been four years"she said with a huge satisfactory smile.
More like she looked so proud to be an army. Again, so cute.

"That means you knew me, why didn't you say something maybe ask for an autograph or a picture?" I asked more surprised.
Anytime I met an army they always recognise me and ask for my sign or pictures.I always thought it was cute since army has always been the most important people in my life.

"Because you came out here to hike, I know being an idol isn't easy and the little free time you get gou want to do other things as well, you need to breathe too, doesn't mean you don't appreciate the love...right?"

I was speechless at her answer. She gets it and doesn't judge me. It's true, being an idol is not the easiest job in the planet. It's hectic. And sometimes you crave normalcy, like I did today.
I looked over at her, she was shorter than I was, she looked happy and contented. I wanted to know her story, I wanted fo know her. I was intrigued.

The two hiked the trail for a few hours until they got to the waterfall. There was a small bench where most people sat and admired the waterfall.
Without saying a word, YN went and sat down so excited looking like a kid that just saw candy. Jungkook kept on smiling looking at her.
She took out her drawing book and pencils and began to  sketch.
Jungkook sat next to her and looked straight to the waterfall, also admiring the view. But was it really the view when he kept looking to his side and at YN.
They stayed for almost an hour when YN announced she was finished. Jungkook was still staring at her and taking everything in.
They walked back to the exit. They were all laughs and conversations.

"hey, can I give you a ride back? Would be nice?" Jungkook asked rather shyly

"Oh I'd love that but I rode here, my bicycle is packed over there. Thank you for the offer." She smiled softly while extending her hand for a goodbye shake.
Of course she couldn't just go for a hug and make him uncomfortable, at least that was what she thought.

They had goodbye handshake and both turned to walk away, one to his car and the other to her bike. Just then YN turned and called for Jungkook.

"Hey Jungkook, here... This is the drawing I made by the waterfall. There's a note in it too. Please open it when you get home. Only when you get home."

"This are so adorable, thank you. Oh... I'll return the favour, I didn't know how to ask but would you be free tomorrow? I have this pottery class I signed up for and I think you'd love it considering you're new here and looking to explore. Would you care to join me?" He asked, more like rapped the words and left out of breath while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why not... Sounds perfect. I'd love to."

"Here, give me your number and I'll text you the details later." He handed her his phone and she put her number.

They bid goodbye and left. Each going their separate ways.

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