PART18: Stubborn.

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You were woken up by the sound of a door.You open your eyes to see a nurse coming in pushing Jungkook's chair. You check your phone and almost fell out of the couch. You overslept and missed his physiotherapy session of the day. The nurse stepped out for a minute to grab clean blankets for him.

Jungkook : Are you sure the hyungs trusted you to take care of me?

YN: Omg I'm sorry I overslept. You should have woken me up.

Jungkook : I told you to get lost, I don't need your help.

Just then, the nurse came back with blankets and a change of hospital gowns for Jungkook.

Nurse: He needs to freshen up then change and go for his walk at the garden. I can help him out and you can push him to the garden if you want?

YN: I will help him out. Thank you for being with him through the physio, I'll handle the rest.

The nurse set the blankets and gown on the couch and left.

Jungkook :You are not helping me clean up. Get lost

YN: Really? Okay... Then I'll just sit here and watch my tiktoks. I see Mingyu has posted a dance challenge. Oh he's so hot.
Don't let me stop you, go freshen up.

Jungkook :I don't need your help. And just so you know, I also have dance videos on tiktok (pouting). Not that it's something special.

Jungkook had expected you to put on a fight but you didn't. And now he was jealous. He walked to the room's bathroom, stood up by holding the sink and tried taking his gown off but then he slipped and fell. There was a thud followed by sounds bottles falling down. You rushed and found him struggling to get up. You quickly moved to hold him, helping him up but he pushed your hands away.

Jungkook : Just call the nurse. Get lost

YN: Yaaah, I've put up with your attitude long enough. I'm here to help and that's exactly what I'll do. Besides, I won't call the nurse in.

Jungkook : Why? Why won't you call the nurse?

YN: If anyone is going take you out of your clothes it will be me. I won't let her see you naked.

Jungkook : So now you're not only annoying but also jealous? You know they have male nurses too. And aren't you busy looking at Hot Mingyu dancing?

You ignored him and helped him up. He seemingly didn't protest there after and you ended up giving him a hand to freshen up and changed into the clean gowns. You also made his bed and opened the windows for fresh air. You sat him on the wheelchair and pushed him towards the garden.

YN: I know you don't want me here or any of my help

Jungkook : At least you got that part right

YN: Okay, tell you this... I will take care of you and help during your physio sessions, and as soon as you get better and can walk, you won't see me ever again. I'll leave you alone. So if you want to get rid of me fast, get well fast Jungkook.

There was no answer from him and you assumed that to be a Yes. It broke your heart but at least you'll know he's all better.

You pushed him near a huge tree that had pink flowers and stopped there. You stared at the flowers with a smile on your face and before you knew it  you were jumping like a kid to pick a flower from the tree. You sliped and fell and this made you laugh at yourself even more. You finally managed to pick a flower and ran towards Jungkook showing him the flower.

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