PART 4: Cheer her up

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I quickly hang up and froze right after the call with YN. I had to help her somehow.
I went downstairs and into the kitchen where Jin was cooking.

"Hyung... I need a favour. Can YN come over for dinner? I'll explain later. You get to see her and judge her character too...please hyung?" I begged Jin

"How can I say No after those bunny eyes, sure. I'll tell the others." Jin replied suprisingly so calmly.

I thanked him and went back to my room. I called YN back and she picked after a few rings, I'm sure she freaked out.

"Look Jungkook, I'm very..." She started talking but I cut her off.

"Jin hyung called for me, He wants you to come for dinner. I showed them the note and they find you so sweet and want to meet you." I let out more like a rap without a break for oxygen.

"What?? Jin as in Kim Seokjin... Oh I wouldn't want to intrude, beside I just made dinner and was about to munch this yummy food I just made." She lied...probably doesn't want to feel like a bother. She sounded more embarassed.

"Hey come on, it's Jin's food... Are you really gonna turn it down... And say No to the sweetest,kindest hyung ever?" I persuaded, it's a pitty I couldn't flash my bunny smile.

"Okay okay fine... I'll come over for dinner. I don't know Seoul that much so it might take me time to ride my bike there though." She said in a cute low voice.

"worry not, I'm coming to pick you. Get ready and send me your location. See you soon" I said excited. I hope I'll be able to cheer her up. I don't know what is really going on but I hope we make it better for her. I hang up and head downstairs to check what the noise was about.
I got to the kitchen and everyone was there.

"Our Maknae invited a girl over... Woah aren't you moving so fast son." Namjoon said as I walked in.

"It's a long story... I kinda heard what I wasn't supposed to hear and by the sound of it, she's having a hard time. Just think of her as an army going through something and help cheer her up hyungs." I said but it was more like pleading.

"Wahh... Our Jungkookie is all grown, being so considerate and caring." Jimin said while giving a sweet cheeky smile.

"Okay okay... Bring the board games and the wine out. We have company. Be lively guys." Hobi said energetically. He was so happy to have company.

My phone vibrated and I knew that was YN's location. I told the guys I was going to pick her and Jin insisted I bring one person with me. I didn't protest and Taehyung volunteered to come with.
The ride was mostly quiet that's because Taehyung was dozing off... They played till late and went to bed early this morning and apparently he woke up earlier.
We got to YN's apartment and I called her to come down.

I was going to pretend to have heard nothing so she won't be flustered and embarassed. I know for an introvert that is pretty uncomfortable.

YN came out of the building looking fresh and adorable in her green flowered knee-length dress and a messy bun with a bow that looked like it was tied in a rush but she pulled it off. She was wearing light make-up and gloss instead of lipstick and simple sneakers. She looked amazing. Perfect even.
She forced a smile as she got to the car. I could see a sad girl behind the make-up and forced smile. She got in the back and said a very polite hello to both Taehyung and I.

"You look amazing YN,I'm Taehyung but you can call me Tae...Nice to meet you. Ready for dinner?" Taehyung broke the almost awkward silence that was growing.

"Nice to meet you Tae. I was born ready and can I just say I'm famished. I could eat an elephant." She replied and giggled.

"Told you she's funny." I said while facing Tae. Then turned to YN.
"Oh, YN, about the pottery's morning, and dinner will probably end late how about carrying some clothes you'll need tomorrow so we can just go from the dom. It's easier."

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