PART 19: Lost her?

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You and Tae went for food and ice cream and had a great time talking and laughing at both your experiences. You didn't notice that so much time had passed when you checked your phone it was 6pm. You didn't have the time to go home and get some rest because you had to go back to the hospital. You asked Tae to drop you and he was more than willing to because he wanted to see Jungkook as well. You got to the hospital and your mood was better than it has been the last week.

Jungkook : What's with the headbands, and you didn't change, didn't you say you're going home?

YN: We had the most funny day. I didn't get a chance to go home but let me me tell you the funniest part of today

You told Jungkook everything that had happened today and you were so excited and kept giggling and laughing about the ferries wheel. And Tae joined in the laugh.

Jungkook : The headbands look so stupid. And why would you go on a ride you're both scared of, that was so lame and stupid.

YN: What?

Jungkook : you heard me, you should have just gone home and slept. The eye bags under your eyes look worse than it was this morning.

YN: You know what Jungkook, I'm tired of all this discouragements. You don't seem to like anything I do. You seem like you really don't want me here.

Jungkook : And you're figuring that out right now? I've told you to get lost and you're still here.

YN: Oh wow! You know what... Fine. I'll get lost. I wanted to stick with you at least till you recover but I can't take this anymore. You hurt my feelings when though all I just wanted was to help you out of that bed.

Jungkook : Yeah right...And whose fault is it that I'm  on this bed?

You froze when he said that. You felt your whole world crumbling. You started shaking and was a crying mess. You took your bag and ran out of the hospital. You waved for a cab and before you could get in you heard Tae calling for you but you got in the cab anyway and instructed the driver to go.


Tae walked back in the hospital and to Jungkook's room.

Tae: Jungkook that was a low blow even for you. Do you know how much she's suffered ever since you got into the accident? She stood here and watched your heart stop. I blamed her and sent her away but she wouldn't go. She always stuck by your side cleaning you and taking care of you. She had barely slept. I know you're in pain but doesn't give you the right to be shitty to her.

Jungkook : I shouldn't have said that to her. I just got jealous you two looked happy and you took her to the theme-park, I don't know if I'll be able to walk to do all those things with her.

Tae: Kook, can you listen to yourself? We are brothers, I'm pretty sure I won't want to take or bone your girl. What's wrong with you?

Jungkook : I know hyung... I just... I don't know. I messed up pretty bad. Where is she?

Tae: She left.

Jungkook : Can you please call her back hyung. I really messes up.

Tae: She needs time jungkook. Let her rest the night.

Jungkook : I messed up, I pushed her away for real.

With that, Jungkook started crying hard and shaking. It was a sight Tae had never seen before. He called for the doctor and Jungkook was given a sedative.

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