PART 15: Puppy love

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I woke up with a really bad headache. I lifted my head and it was spinning. I looked over and saw a glass of water and asprin. I took it and drunk all the water. I laid my head back down for a minute before all the events from last night came back flooding in my mind.

Shit!!! I threw up on Jungkook. No,this had to be a dream. Yes it was a dream.
I got out of bed ans noticed I was in Tshirt and socks, looked over the mirror and I didn't have make-up.
No, this wasn't a dream. Damnit!!!

I didn't know what to do. Should I apologise, no I can't, I'm too ashamed.
Just then I heard my doorbell ring. I dragged my feet to the door and tried to shield my eyes from the sunlight like a vampire. I opened the door and found a delivery man carring boxes with him

Man: Hello, Delivery for Ms. YN. Are you her?

YN: Yes but I didn't order anything.

Man: well someone did, sign over here please.

YN: I think you might have gotten the wrong address sir. I did not order anything.

Man: No ma'am, the order was sent to you and this is the address.

I singed for the order and went in very skeptical. Just then my phone rang. I looked at the caller and froze. How will I apologise, but not picking up will be rude and ungrateful for yesterday.

YN: Yeoboseyo (in a cute voice)

Jungkook : I'm guessing you've recieved the delivery, just got the alart that it was delivered.

YN: wait... That was you? You ordered something to me? So it's really mine?

jungkook :Oh my Yn-ie...why did you accept a delivery you weren't certain about? What if it is something dangerous?

YN: I...I.... I didn't.... I didn't think about that.

Jungkook : I'm kidding... You were so drunk last night I figured you'll wake up with a headache and growling stomach. I got you food. You should eat.

YN: Jungkook you didn't have to after what I did last night. About that...

Jungkook : I didn't have to, I wanted to. So stop talking and open it already. I hope the food is good. Enjoy.

Before I could bring up last night he hang up. I moved closer to the delivery and opened it. For sure the food smelt nice  but it was too much for one person. Oh, now I feel indebted to Jungkook.

 I take my phone and called Him back

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I take my phone and called Him back.

YN: This food is too much for one person. I can't eat it alone.

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