PART 20: Come here Kitten.

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POV: Jungkook

I woke up and looked around the room, the guys weren't here. Maybe they went out for a stretch or food. I heard my phone vibrate at the bedside table. I open it and it's the group chat. Jimin had texted about you. At first I didn't really get it until I realized what he meant. You're leaving Korea. This can't be. I can't lose you like this.

I struggled to get off the bed and onto the wheelchair then I had to check if there was a nurse outside before I wheeled off. I headed to the elevator that thankfully had no one and hit the ground floor. I expected to be stopped as it was weird for a patient in a patient gown to just wheel out of the hospital but luckily the security guard was talking to someone and he didn't see me leave.

I waved for a taxi and told the driver to take me to the airport. At first he was hesitant but after explaining the situation and a couple of begging and promising free concert tickets for his daughter he agreed and even gave me a mask and beanie. I don't know where I was going to start from but I had to try somehow. I can see the driver was concerned.

Guy: How will you get her in this huge airport?

Jungkook : I don't know, I just have to try

Guy: you remind me of my younger self. I had to fight for my love so I get it. Tell you this, because you're kind enough to give me tickets to take to my kids, I will park my car and push you inside. Maybe together we'll find her.

Jungkook :Ahjussi... Gamsahabnida.
I really don't know what I would have done.

We got to the airport and sure enough, he escorted me inside. I tried to hide my face just in case there were cameras. We went to security at the international departure and asked them to make an announcement.

"Ms Y/N...please report to the security front desk. It's an emergency"

The announcement went on for two minutes as we waited to see if you'll really come.


I got to the airport and went straight to immigration as there were some documents I was asked to bring before my flight. As I sat there filling some forms, I heard my name being announced. As if my day wasn't terrible enough, what emergency might they be calling me in for. I finished filling in the forms and headed to the desk where the announcement said I should report to.

As I got closer, i saw an older man standing there and next to him was a man in a wheelchair. I didn't think much of it just maybe it's a patient traveling for treatment. I walked past them and got to the desk and...

Voice: YN...

I heard a familiar voice behind me and as I turned, I realized... Jungkook.

Jungkook :YN please hear me out. Please don't go.

YN: How...why....what are you doing here? You should be in the hospital.

Jungkook :That doesn't matter now. I needed to see you.

YN:We have nothing to talk about. Where are the guys, how did they think this was a good idea to bring a patient in an airport?

jungkook :They don't know I'm here. Long story. Just listen to me.

YN:I don't want to hear it jungkook.

I said and I started walking away when Jungkook suddenly shouted.

Jungkook : I love you YN. I love you so much and I want to be with you.
I was just embarassed that I'm in this state and I pushed you away because I didn't want to burden you.

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