PART 7: The confession

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POV: Jungkook

I was waiting for YN at her building since both of them didn't pick up and I was worried. I also had something to discuss with her. I'm sure people thought I was just some creepy guy standing here at this time of the night. Just a few minutes I saw Jimin's car drive in and park by the building.  They stayed in for a few minutes till I went to open the door for YN. She came out and I gasped at her beauty. The picture didn't do her justice. She was perfect in person. Simple yet sophisticated. I loved the combination of the dress and heels and the purse and the Jewelry... What am I doing?
I asked to talk to her and she led me into her apartment.

I was shaking, sweating and so nervous. I didn't know what I was going to say or how I'm going to say this without sounding like a creep. We got in, YN offered me a glass of water and we sat down on the couch. She looked breathtaking.

Jungkook : look breathtaking, you're so pretty, so beautiful. I love the dress on you.

YN: Thank you (she said blushing)
I was waiting for your text message on the dress I sent... Maybe It was really breathtaking and you passed out before replying (she laughed to ease the tension that was building up)

Jungkook : I wanted to text all this but I had to tell you in person and give you my honest review. Also I was a bit jealous that Jimin got to see all this and take you out looking this perfect while I stayed home dealing with Tae's constant whine.

I want to let something out but please don't say anything until I'm done. Okay?

YN: Okay... What is it? I'm listening.

Jungkook : I know we haven't known each other long enough but I'm drawn to you. Since the day I first set my eyes on you. I know this might push you away because of your past and I'm glad you shared that with me. You said love is a waste of time but I'd be happy if you wasted it on me. I like you a lot and I want you to be my girl. I don't know if you feel the same way and it's okay because I just had to let it out. I was jealous you went out on a date with Jimin and how he kept on bragging to everyone at the dom. I want you to be mine. I might not be perfect and I admit I have some flaws but I really want this YN, please give me a chance (I said almost rapping without stopping for air but my heart felt lighter now that I had confessed)

I looked at YN and she was as red as a tomato. I'm not quite sure if she was blushing or embarassed. Did I make things awkward between us? She started into space for a minute which felt like years. She sat up straight and cleared her throat.

YN: Jungkook... I'm sorry but I can't accept your feelings. You are an idol... You are Jungkook. I like you too, a lot and I have wanted to confess but I don't think I'm perfect enough for you. Not even good enough for you. I'm just a simple girl, I'm not rich, I don't have the perfect model body, I hate my forehead, I hate that I have to breath in so hard while taking pictures because of my tummy, I am not a celebrity. What could I possibly offer you.

Just before she finished I cut her off.

Jungkook : You are perfect in my eyes. You are who I want. Your laugh is my favorite sound to hear, your smile warms my heart, I love the way you eat without caring about who's watching, You are sweet, kind, warm and the softest person I know beside Hobi. Your body is perfect and if given a chance I'll definitely worship every inch.You said you like me... Let's not let this chance go and regret it later let's give this a shot.

YN: I like you a lot and the time we've spent and talked, I am curious to get to know you kookie. Not the idol... You as a person. I don't know how this will end up but I'm willing to try.

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