PART 10: Lady in Red

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Jimin had finished his practice when jhope and RM came into the studio.

Jhope: wahhh I really love the practice today. Someone looks motivated.

RM: Jiminah... You should teach me too. I also want a compliment from our hobi.

Jimin: You guys didn't have practice, what are you doing here?

RM:  you haven't heard about the engagement? The engagement party is tonight here at hybe. We came to pick our suits for the night, yours too.

Jimin: This is outrageous. Are you seriously supporting this? You know Jungkook and YN... Never mind. I'm not going.

Jhope : Even if YN will be there?

jimin: What do you mean?

RM: yoongi invited YN as his plus one. He's got a plan. I'm sure Jungkook is hiding something about this engagement. We're all in on it, it's a shame you won't be around.

Jimin: I know what Yoongi hyung is trying to do. I have to go. Pick my suit, I'll come to the dom.

Jimin rushed to your place and found the stylist busy with your nails. Instructions from Yoongi was you had to look perfect. He asked for a minute and you couldn't ignore the request after everything he did for you.

YN: Eonni can I talk to jimin for a minute, alone?

( you asked Jae the stylist and she excused you both)

YN: I know what you'll say. This plan is dumb. I think so too but I couldn't really turn down Yoongi when....

Jimin: YN I think the plan is amazing. And I'm here to offer my support. I know for sure Jungkook already feels some type of way seeing me around you and we can use that to our advantage. Find me at the party, I'll dance with you. It will piss him off.

YN: I don't want to use you like that.

Jimin: I'm offering myself to you. You are not using me. We all want the truth. I want this.

You agreed to Jimin's offer and he left to go prepare and head to the party with the other's. Yoongi was coming to pick you up when he's done with his own. Your heart was beating fast at this plan and you were nervous. But you were determined not to show it.

Your nails were done and your hair looked amazing. Jae really worked her magic with this one. Time went by fast and it was almost time to leave. Yoongi was almost at your place and you had everything ready.
A few minutes later he was here to pick you.

Yoongi: I knew I could trust Jae, you look like a model from a magazine. This is perfect.

YN: Thank you Yoongi. I feel amazing. I've never dolled up like this. More like I've never had a reason to.

Yoongi: Shall we? ( he asked, extending his arms so that you both lock arms.)
you both got in the backseat of the car since Yoongi brought a driver and left for the party.

POV: Jungkook

I had not talked to any of the members about this and I'm sure they have a lot of questions. But I couldn't back down now. I had to protect them. I had to protect BTS. I got dressed and headed to the venue. I can't wait for this night to be over. All I keep thinking about was YN. What could she be doing. All the boys will be here tonight, does it mean she'll be home alone. I felt like a monster. But I had to pretend I'm happy so the boys won't notice.

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