PART 3 : Shibal

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As soon as Jungkook reached the dom, he went in so excited and happy. He had a better day than what he had expected. The rest of the boys were in the livingroom except Jimin.
They watched as Jungkook hummed and skipped going upstairs after greeting them with clear happiness in his face and voice.

"What's up with him, I thought the hike would make him tired. He looks very energized" Yoongi said lazily.

Jungkook reached his room, got in and locked the door. He glanced around and saw jimin still sleeping... "Aish, hyung played games all night." He muttered more to himself.

He sat on his bed and pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket that YN had given him. He was so nervous to open it but found the courage to.
Opening the paper, there was a drawing of the waterfall... A very beautiful drawing and beside it was a small note that read...

Hey Jungkook.
I won't write much but all I want to say is thank you for being there for me today and for the past four years. You might not know this but your music saved me and I'm sure it did to every army out there. BTS is a blessing and we will always support and love you. I can't make music but I draw quite well so here is my waterfall drawing dedicated to you.
Ps. I still won't answer the question you asked haha!

Love YN.💜

Jungkook couldn't put the paper down, he read it over and over again and didn't notice that jimin was awake and now standing over him reading the note with him until he cleared his throat. Jungkook looked over and saw Jimin smiling and giggling like a highschool girl chanting "Jungkook met a girl."
He folded the note and put it back in his pocket and stood up chasing jimin downstairs.

"What is it with you two, you'll fall down the stairs."Jin shouted from the livingroom

"Jungkook met a girl and she wrote him a letter." Jimin shouted back panting and ran into Hobi's arms.

"What???" Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jin shouted at the same time.

Jungkook stopped chasing after Jimin and just stood there smiling, his face turned pink from getting shy as all the attention was on him.

"Jeon Jungkook... What is this we're hearing? Is this true, did you meet a girl?" Jin asked rather calmly.

"aaah Hyung...Jimin is just jealous I got a note and he didn't." He replied blushing.

He took the note from his pocket and showed it to Jin who later passed it to the others.

"She sounds rather sweet...where did you two meet? And what is this about being there for her today and asking her a question?" Taehyung questioned.

"Oh that... We went for the hike together. She's pretty chilled out, sweet, nice and an army. Don't worry she's not one of those crazy fans" He said while taking back his note and going back to his room.

No one talked about it for the rest of the afternoon because they knew Jungkook was the best judge of character and was also a grown-up.


I sat on my bed and took out my phone. I stared at YN's number and contemplated what I should text. I wasn't the best at starting conversations but it shouldn't be that hard right? I mean we already met and talked.
I went to the messaging app and typed her name. I didn't know what to type but I knew I had to type something soon or she'll think I just ghosted. Or maybe I was just an over thinker.


I got home and freshened up. Still couldn't believe how my day went. I still was in shock that I actually met Jungkook and we had a fun day together  and he even asked me out. I must be dreaming. This can't possibly be happening.
I made hot cocoa and went to sit by the balcony of my bnb apartment. The sun was setting and I had a pretty nice view.
I kept checking my phone to see if Jungkook had texted but nothing came up.
Maybe he was just being polite. How can I expect an idol to text me, I'm just a simple girl with no model figure but I've never felt insecure about my body. Maybe he just wanted to be nice or maybe the company didn't allow.
Just then, I heard my phone vibrate. I checked it so quick only to find out it's just an advert of a stupid thing I had signed up for.

I finished my cocoa and went inside to make dinner and plan my day tomorrow. Maybe I should try the pottery idea with or without him, it was still a good suggestion. I settled on that and went ahead to make dinner. I was trying out a new Korean recipe that I found online and halfway through I realised it was a terrible idea. I could say I was a good cook but this was a new recipe that wasn't even in English. I'm not perfect in reading and translating hangul so maybe that was the problem. All the ingredients I had was ruined, the food was horrible and I felt a tear run down my cheek. I loved food and now I had no dinner and had wasted time making something that failed.

I move to the couch and started having a breakdown. The food had triggered the things I was trying to run away from. The pain, traumas just came flashing before my eyes. Just then my phone rang... I knew it had to be my best friend Liz. She's the only one who'd call me at this time since back home it was pretty late for my family to call. I recieved the call still crying and sniffling knowing that Liz had seen this part of me.

"Mmf...mmf... Hello, pretty late to be calling Liz, what's up?" I tried being as audible as I could.

"Umh hello...YN, is this a bad time to call?is everything okay?" I had a deep but soft voice from the other side of the call.

"No..I'm losing it. I just tried making some Korean food with a recipe I found online and everything is ruined. I'm hungry and I hate everything right now." I continued to rant while sniffling .

"Are you there Liz...hello?"

The line went silent for a few seconds and I checked the screen if I had hung up but the call was still on. Wait...this was not Liz' number. This was no ones number, this was an unknown caller. Oh sh*t!!!. They must think I'm weird now

Just when I was going to hung up someone spoke.

"Hey YN, it's Jungkook. I'm sorry I called, I didn't know how to start a text or what to write so I called instead."Jungkook said with a very apologetic tone.

Shit! Shit! Shibaaalllll!! I fucked up, now he's gonna think I'm a weirdo.

"Omo!!! I'm so sorry Jungkook, I didn't know it was you. I thought it was my best friend Liz on the call. This is embarassing, I'm really sorry." I said frantically. I could feel the heat up my face and the second-hand  embarassment he felt.

"Don't worry about it, I didn't hear what you tried telling her. I was walking down the stairs when I slipped while calling so I just got back to the phone. Oh just a minute, hyung is asking for me. I'll call you right back." He said and hung up immediately.

Perfect! I scared him away. I scared the Jeon Jungkook away. What a perfect evening.

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