PART 11 : punched

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Your head was spinning. You didn't know what to do. All you wanted was to go home and be alone. But how when the door was locked. Must be Minji. She must have.
So many questions ran through your mind. Why did Jungkook do that if he claimed to love you? Why didn't he stay with you? Why didn't he cancel the engagement?

Jimin was looking everywhere for you and when he didn't see you, he went to ask the guys.

Jimin:Guys have you seen YN, I can't find her.
Jhope: Ask Mingyu...I left her with him.

jimin walked up to Mingyu and asked where you were.

Mingyu: She left with Jungkook. He dragged her out when we were talking.

This got him so mad. He looked over at Jungkook who was locking arms with Minji and smiling. This made his blood boil. He walked over to Jungkook and whispered in his ears.

Jimin: Where is she? Where is YN?

Jungkook : Hasn't she come out. She's in Mr Baek's office.

Jimin: You left her there alone? OMG Jungkook, what has gotten into you?

Jimin stormed out and went straight to the office. He unlocked it from the outside and switched on the lights.

POV: Jimin

I went straight to Mr Baek's office and found it locked from the outside. I hoped you weren't locked inside. I switched on the lights and what I saw broke my heart into pieces. You looked so fragile curled down on the floor at a corner of the office, crying and shaking. I ran over to you and pulled you into my arms for a tight hug. You didn't stop crying. I would do anything to switch places with you right now. You didn't deserve this.

After a few minutes, you stood up and finally spoke.

YN: Can you please get me a cab. I want to go home.

Jimin: I'm taking you home. I can't let you go alone like this.

I could tell you were tired because you didn't fight back on me taking you home. You walked out of the office and headed to the exit then turned and gave me a coat

YN: Please give this to Jungkook.

Jimin: wait for me here...

I was angry I couldn't think straight. I got into the venue and walked past everyone heading straight to Jungkook. I don't know what came over me but I punched Jungkook so hard he stumbled off his feet and onto the group. I threw his coat on him and turned to walk away. I could see everyone gasping, staring and whispering as I walked by.

I felt a hand on my shoulder right before I stepped out.

Yoongi: Jimin calm down, you didn't have to do that in public. You're scary when you're mad.

Jimin: She was your plus one. Do you know she was locked in baek's office, cold alone in the dark, crying her eyes out. And she has hickeys all over her neck, we both know where that came from. And look at him, acting like nothing happened. I can't stay here,I'll take her home.

Yoongi: I didn't bring my car. You're too angry to drive. We can use yours, I'll drive you guys and drop you off at her place. You should stay with her tonight. Head to the car, I'll inform Namjoon.

With that, I headed out and found you staring in the cold. Took my jacket off and put it over you.

Jimin: Yoongi insists to drive us, is it okay if I stay with you tonight. I can sleep outside I just don't want to leave you alone.

YN: it's okay, can we just leave this place.

We got into the backseat and you rested your head on my shoulder and started sleeping. It didn't take long till I heard small quiet snores. I guess you were emotionally drained.

POV : Yoongi

I wanted to punch Jungkook again after hearing what happened. I blamed myself. I was the one who brought you here. I was the one who came up with the plan. I know all the guys will feel guilty but I blame myself.

I walked over to the guys who were now hovering around Jungkook needing answer but he was silent. I told them everything that had happened and I could tell they all were mad at the maknae.

Yoongi: hey guys I can't stick around, I'll take YN and Jimin home the head to the dom. He's very angry and you know how scary that is.

RM: Do you need our help?

Yoongi: No..stay here for Jungkook even if he was an asshole. Too many eyes we can't all leave you know.

Jungkook : Hyung I'm really...

Yoongi: Save it Jungkook, I don't want to hear it.

I turned and left for the car. I was so mad but I had to remain chilled at least for the drive. I found you sleeping on Jimin's shoulder and Jimin sleeping while resting his head on the seat. I felt I made everything worse.

I got in and drove straight to your apartment. I woke Jimin to carry you in and lay you down. I made sure you were both in the house before driving back to the dom. I couldn't go back to that party. I'd make everything worse by punching Jungkook again. I got to the dom and went to my room.
I took out my phone and typed you an apology message.

POV : Jimin

I carried you in and laid you down on your bed. I knew it won't be comfortable sleeping in the dress but I didn't want to wake you. You've been through enough for the night. I pulled the blanket over you and tucked you in. I switched off the lights and went to the couch. I lay there thinking about everything that happened.
Meeting BTS should always be a blessing but did we bring a curse onto you? I drifted away.

I heard a loud knock on the door. More like a constant bang. I checked my phone and it has been 3hrs since we came back. It was now 1:00am...who could be knocking at this time of the night.I went to open and to my surprise...Jungkook was standing there, he looked so drunk, tired from crying and still teary.

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