PART 12: The truth is out

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POV: Jungkook

My head was spinning so much. Jimin had given me a good punch before walking out with you and Yoongi did not want to hear anything I had to say.
I look around and people were talking among themselves whispering. I know I deserved it.

I couldn't stand being sober at that time. The rest of my bangtan brothers shot me with angry eyes. I could tell they didn't want to stay but had to for me. I was an asshole but still they stayed. I hope that one day they understand I was doing this for them.

I got up from the floor and straightened my suit. Minji was so annoyingly clinging on to me pretending to care. I excused myself and went to sit at a table at the far end of the room. She went ahead talking to the guests as though nothing had happened.

I called for a waiter and asked for a bottle of whisky which I downed like water. I could feel my head getting lighter and lighter after every glass. I wanted to apologise to you. I had to see you.

I got up and quietly walked out of the building and signaled for the driver. I gave him directions to your place and got in the backseat. At this point I couldn't stop myself from crying. We got to the apartment building and I stumbled my way up to your place. I didn't know what words I'll use to fix this but I knocked anyway.

Jimin: What...what are you doing here? What do you want?

Jungkook : I need to see her hyung. Please. I need to apologise.

Jimin:Go home Jungkook, you're drunk. Go to your girlfriend...oh my bad! I mean your wife to be.

Jungkook : Hyung...please. I'll fix this. I love her.

Jimin: If you love her you'll let her be, give her space and if you really can then fix it. But now is not the time.

Jungkook : Stop blocking the door and let me in. I'll only leave when she tells me to.

YN: Well then leave, I said it.

We both turned to see you standing there. I hadn't noticed you come to the livingroom. You looked so hurt and tired and that broke my heart. I didn't push to come in anymore. I murmured a soft "I'm sorry" and walked back to the car. I just wanted to go back to the dom.


I was deep asleep till I heard noises coming from the livingroom. At first I thought Jimin was watching the TV but after some time I heard one voice. A voice I didn't want to hear tonight or ever. I walked to the livingroom and saw Jimin and Jungkook at the door. He was insisting on coming in and Jimin was trying his best to keep him out.

Jungkook : Stop blocking the door and let me in. I'll only leave when she tells me to.

YN: Well then leave, I said it.

I said and went straight to lock the door. Jimin was a litle surprised I guess he didn't hear me come out of the room. He looked so tired and worn out and I blamed myself.

Jimin: you should get some sleep. You need to rest.

YN: No...we should both rest you had a long day because of me. You had to drive to and from Busan, practice choreo today, deal with the drama at the party and still bring me home and babysit.

Jimin: I'm not complaining. But I admit I'm exhausted. I'll go back to sleep.

YN: Come to bed, won't be a first that we shared a bed. No buts...just come.

He didn't protest and followed me into the bedroom.I took out a T-shirt and sweatpant and gave it to him and I went to change in the bathroom into my pajamas. When I came back he was already sleeping. He looked cute pouting in his sleep. I pulled the covers over us and slept too

          At the Bangtan dom


Jungkook got to the dom and found the rest of the boys had already arrived too. He didn't utter a word, he went to the fridge, took out a bottle of whisky and headed to the rooftop. You could tell the rest of the guys were concerned. It was just the four of them since Jimin wasn't at the dom and Yoongi was fast asleep.

Rm: Guys I'm so sure something is going on. We need to find out

Jhope: Who is going to talk to him?

Tae: I can't, we'll just fight. Jin hyung should go. He listens to you.

Jin: I'll go... We have to fix this soon before the upcoming concert. Otherwise we're fucked.

Jin went to the rooftop hoping to get the truth from Jungkook. He was so sure something fishy was going on.

Jin:  Yah Jungkook-ah... Speak. What is going on.

Jungkook : Nothing hyung. Just that...

Jin: I won't ask again. Speak so we know how to help you or handle the situation.

Jungkook : Hyung... Do you remember the Sumsung event we were invited to three months ago but Pd Nim insisted only one person should go and represent the group and you guys chose me?

jin: Oh I remeber. What has it to do with anything?

Jungkook : Minji. I met her at the party and ever since, she's been clinging onto me. That night I didn't drink much, just a glass of champagne as I remember but my only recollection of the night is foggy. I remember feeling dizzy then headed to one of the rooms to sleep it off when I woke up with a naked girl next to me crying that I had raped her the previous night and she had evidence of it which she's been holding on to and never showed me.

She had threatened to release the evidence if I don't do whatever she asked and that was to date her. I didn't tell anyone about it knowing so well that you guys will go after her and that might maybe make her release the evidence to the public. I'm not scared if it has to do with euining me, but not you too.
I didn't want to be the cause of BTS breakup considering Hyungs work so hard for this. I had to keep it a secret because I was convinced by Minji that it really happened and that I really broke her to a point she needed therapy which she still goes to every Wednesday as she says. Also I have no recollection of the night so I don't really know if I did or did not force myself on her.

She forced me with the engagement and soon she's going to want a wedding. If something really happened and she releases the evidence all our work will go down the drain because of me. I'm so sorry hyung. I really love YN. But I guess I'll have to let that be just a dream. A dream I'll have to walk away from.

With that, Jungkook burst into tears. He didn't notice the rest of the guys were standing behind including Yoongi who was woken up by jhope to try and help on the situation.

The truth was out. His heart felt lighter. But what's the next step?

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