PART 5: What am i doing?

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Jungkook went back to his room and Jimin's. Jimin was still changing for bed.
Jungkook wanted so bad to know what you and Jimin talked about but didn't know how to bring up the conversation.

Jimin: what is it Jungkook... Ask away.

Jungkook : what are you talking about?

Jimin: You keep looking at me, plus we've been roommates for a long time, I know you.What do you want to ask?

Jungkook : Nothing just curious...what did you and YN talk about?

Jimin: Oh that... Nothing really.

With that Jimin walked to his bed and laid down. He covered himself and said goodnight to Jungkook before passing out.

Jungkook laid down thinking trying to figure out till he passed out.

             The Next morning

I woke up feeling better than yesterday. The dinner really worked. I opened my eyes and for a second, couldn't recognise where I was.
Last thing I remember, I was watching the stars with Jimin.
I rolled on my side and saw a figure sleeping in the opposite bed... Wait... Was I carried in?

Just then, there was a slight knock on the door...I glanced over and I saw Jungkook.

Jungkook : Good morning YN... You're up. I was coming to wake you. Are you still up for the Pottery class?

YN: yes for sure. Give me some minutes to get ready then come down.

With that, Jungkook left and I jumped in the shower. The water was too hot but I managed not to fry my skin. I did my light make-up, hair and put my dress on as fast as I could and headed downstairs. I didn't want to make Jungkook wait.

I went down the stairs and was amazed by Jungkook's choice of dressing today. He looked so good in his sweater shirt and black jeans. His hair was neatly made with a strand on his forehead and I swear I couldn't take my eyes off him.

 His hair was neatly made with a strand on his forehead and I swear I couldn't take my eyes off him

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POV: Jungkook

I heard light footsteps coming down from the stairs and I knew it was Yn.
I looked over and I almost held my breath. She was looking simple while sophisticated. She wore a cute,black sundress, her hair was tied in a neat bun while having two strands hang from each side,light make up and had black sneakers. Everything about her was perfect.

 Everything about her was perfect

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Everyone except hobi and Jin was asleep.
They all looked at you while you came down to the livingroom and thought you were very pretty. You and Jungkook had a quick breakfast that Jin and hobi had made then left for the pottery studio.
The ride was quiet but not an awkward silence. Jungkook stole glances at you every few minutes.

You got to the studio and just as you had suspected, no crowd there. You got in and went to sit next to each other. The whole experience was new to you. you both laughed so hard at the weird shapes you two had made but still loved the experience. You played around with the paint and ended up having a paint fight which was headache to wash out but still a worth it experience.
You were done at the studio and decided to go for lunch. Since Jungkook didn't want to be spotted by paparazzi, you drove 45minutes away from town to go have lunch at an old diner that Jungkook loved so much. The owner of the diner was an old lady that used to feed the boys for free before they became who they are now and they called her mama.

Mama was so happy to see Jungkook because it has been a while since they saw each other. The boys have been so busy with tight schedules. She has never  seen them come with a friend at the diner.

You and Jungkook sat at the furthest booth and both ordered your food and milkshakes which you enjoyed with a few casual conversations. He spent most times staring at you, at your smile, your face, your button nose, your beauty...just you.
You finished your lunch and thanked Mama for the food.

Jungkook : I hope you enjoyed the food.

YN: Yes I did...I enjoyed the day, thank you Jungkook.

Jungkook : I'll drop you home. Will you be okay?

YN: yes definitely. Thank you again.

The two of you walked to the car and drove off.   He dropped you home and headed back to the dom.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet since the boys had hangover. Jungkook was sitting on the rooftop when RM joined him. They had a talk about the upcoming album then your name came up.

RM: I had a great time last night and I'm sure the rest of the guys did too. Yn is such a vibe. We should hang out more.

Jungkook : Yes she is. I had a great time too. I wonder what she's doing right now.

RM: How was your date... Did you have fun?

Jungkook : it wasn't a date hyung. We just went to the pottery class and then to mama's diner for lunch. I had an amazing time. Like you said, she's a vibe.

RM: I'm sure you did. How about adding her to the group chat, I'm sure she needs friends.

Jungkook : Hyung... I don't think everyone will be comfortable. I'll ask them first.

RM: I already did... They want her there. Unless your jealous ass wants to keep her to yourself (wink wink)

Jungkook : I'm not jealous. I barely know her but I think I'm starting to like her. I don't know what I'm doing hyung.

RM: Jungkook... You'll hurt her. Have you forgotten? Don't make the same mistake.

With that RM walked back into the dom. Jungkook added you in the group chat and was surprised half of the guys were awake and suddenly active in the group.

Jungkook : I don't like the fact that Jimin will have access to her number. He's a smooth guy and history will repeat itself. I hate this.

He sighed and went back to the dom to watch TV as he waited for his Gym time.
The rest of the afternoon was quiet in the dom.

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