PART 9: I'm sorry

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POV: Jimin

We got into the hotel and I took YN to her room to make sure she's settled in.
My heart breaks seeing her like this. She refused to eat and wanted to go to bed immediately.

YN: Jimin... Thank you. Also could you not go. Can you stay with me tonight ?

jimin: Of course. Anything you need princess. I can take the couch.

YN:  No. That'll be uncomfortable. The bed is big enough, no harm in sleeping together. I'll get to sleep now. Goodnight Jimin.

I was so nervous, how can I sleep and breathe next to her. But she asked so I'll just have to do it. Within minutes, YN was fast asleep and I could hear tiny snored coming from her. I lay next to her and took my phone out. YN's phone started ringing. I took it to silence it since I didn't want it to wake YN up, it was Jungkook. At first I thought of answering and giving him a piece of my mind but it wasn't in my place. I was so angry at him after YN told me everything. How could he be so careless and heartless if he had a girlfriend.
We all knew he was close to Minji but we didn't know he was dating her since they just spoke casually like any other friend would. I silenced her phone and saw a text pop up. I won't open it, it's not right.

I went back on my phone to finish up some lyrics I was writing when Jungkook called. I didn't want to pick it next to YN so I excused myself and went to the balcony.

Jimin: What is it Jungkook?

Jungkook: You sound harsh. I guess I deserve it. I know how close you've become, I hurt her hyung.

Jimin: Yes smarty pants!!! Go figure.
What do you want?

Jungkook : can I talk to YN. I need to explain something before tomorrow's news.

Jimin: She Is asleep. What news is that?

Jungkook : My engagement. I swear it's not what it looks like. I owe her an explanation, I owe all of you an explanation.

Jimin: Wtf Jeon Jungkook... Wtf! You don't deserve her! She doesn't deserve this. Do you know what she's been through today? She feels used...way to go genius.

Jungkook : I'm sorry...I'll explain everything.

He hung up and I felt my heart beating fast. I was so mad and angry. Mostly at myself. I should have just...

Just then, a voice calling for me inside interrupted my train of thoughts. YN was awake... Did I wake her? I went in and found her holding her phone and lost in thoughts.


I was woken up by the breeze coming from the balcony. I guess Jimin went for some air and forgot to close the door. I called for him to come inside, it was cold out there. I saw my phone light. As I pick it I notice a text from Jungkook and my phone was on silent.

I'm sorry YN. I promise I will explain everything. You have to trust me.
Please believe me I don't love her. I love you. I know it's early to say this but I fell for you. I'll make everything right. I was a Coward but not anymore. Ignore all the news and posts, just trust in me. I will make it right.

I didn't know what to reply so I didn't. What was he talking about posts and news? What happened? What does he mean he doesn't love her? I was so confused. I went online and googled "Jungkook " . What I saw almost made me go into shock. News headlines in every channel:

"Jungkook of BTS is rumoured to announced his engagement tomorrow to his beautiful girlfriend Minji"

I almost dropped my phone. Tears started coming down my cheeks I didn't notice Jimin was standing next to me. He sat next to me on the bed and just hugged me tight. I cried for a long time till I couldn't cry anymore. I was in disbelief. Just yesterday Jungkook was fucking my brains out and today he is engaged. How does that work. Was I just someone he wanted to sleep with. Omg! That broke my heart.


You cried for what seemed like hours and eventually dozed off in Jimin's arms. He too eventually fell asleep and the two of you didn't wake up till morning.
When Jimin woke up, you were not on the bed, he panicked. Just then you got out of the shower... You still had sleepy eyes but you seemed more energetic today.

YN: Heyy sleepy head. How was your sleep?

Jimin:  umhh it was fine. YN are you okay??

YN:  Yes of course, why wouldn't I be? ( you said with a big grin).

Jimin: omg Jungkook broke you. YN you're scaring me. You were crying yesterday but laughing and smiling today.

YN: Yes I cried. It's all over now. Don't you have to go to the company. You had choreo practice yesterday which you didn't.

Jimin: YN... I know you love him. This charade won't convince anyone. I don't know what's going on with Jungkook and the engagement but I'm sure he loves you and there's an explanation. He probably just...

YN: Jimin... It's okay. Life goes on you know... You even sang it haha. Go take a shower. We have to go.

Jimin got in and freshened up, You two went for breakfast then set for the journey back. All this time, you were taking pictures of places you passed, being the deejay and scrolling tiktoks. You fell asleep after two hours.This scared Jimin and pushed him to make a call.

Jimin: Hyung what are you doing today?

Yoongi: Nothing much. Just woke up. What do you want?

Jimin: I need a favour. I'm coming from Busan and I have YN with me. I'm sure you heard the news about Jungkook's engagement. Can you stay with YN till I'm done with my choreo practice. Please hyung.

Yoongi: okay okay. I don't know what's going on since Jungkook has locked himself in the bedroom and won't let anyone in. I feel so bad for YN and for you too chim. I'll stay with her.

Jimin: why would you feel bad for me hyung

Yoongi: Jimin, everyone knows you fell for YN that night when you were talking and watching stars together. We can all see it.

Jimin: Bye I'll send you the location.

He hung up and continued with the drive.

Didn't take too long to get to your place and lucky enough Yoongi was already waiting. Jimin asked your floor and house number and you sleepily replied without waking up. He carried you inside and to the bed and left Yoomgi making you lunch.

You woke up to a sweet aroma that made your stomach ramble. Going to the kitchen you found Yoongi cooking. You were surprised at first until he explained why and how he was there and how Jimin carried you.

Yoongi:  I heard everything that happened. I feel so bad for you and I wonder what this Maknae is up to. I have a plan that'll get him back to you. Care to listen?

YN: No.. He's someone else's man. He's engaged and probably in love.

Yoongi: Quite the opposite actually. You may know a bit about me. I care for the members and also notice things that others don't notice. I've met Minji and I've seen their interaction. He doesn't love her. He loves you and wants you. That bitch probably has something over him. Don't be a Coward too

YN: I...I....I... I love him.

Yoongi: Good. The engagement party is tonight at the company. BTS, TXT, SEVENTEEN, New Jeans and Le Sserafim plus a few fans are the guests. You're going to come as my plus one and interact with as many idols as you want.Dance with all your hybe biases. Make him jealous. He doesn't like sharing. That will force him to man up.

YN: That doesn't sound like a good idea

yoongi: Yeah coz it's the best idea so far. Plus just a tip, he finds red sexy and the shorter the better, it will piss him off.
Let's eat then go buy you a nice dress that will get him on his knees.

You and Yoongi had lunch while talking and laughing at army edits of bts that you showed him. You could tell he's a good friend to you, just like jimin.

You finished eating and went to buy a dress, Yoongi had called one of his stylist to help you prepare for the night and had given her specific instructions. Tonight you'll look sinful for sure and that will drive every man crazy especially Jeon Jungkook.

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