PART 8: Angel

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"Angel ❤️
Hey baby. Did you forget about me last night? you didn't come to my place. I miss you. Can we have brunch later?
Love you. Kiss 😘"

The message kept on playing in your mind and you couldn't think of anything other than being used last night. Just then, you got a call from Jimin.

Jimin: Hey YN. I'm downstairs at your building.

YN: I thought you'd finish your practice. first.I'm not home. I'm at the park across the road, seated on a bench under a very big tree you won't miss it.

Jimin rushed to you immediately.

POV: Jimin

I ran across the road and into the park. I searched for a huge tree and finally saw a bench right unded it. I spotted a small fragile figure on the bench. Head burried between her knees, crying... YN.
Seeing her like this broke a piece of me. I knew this would happen. I wish I had more control over things.
I rushed to her and hugged her. At first she flinched not knowing who it was but immediately she saw me she let out a sad and loud cry. My T-shirt was all wet around my chest because of the tears but I didn't mind.

A few minutes after constantly crying, YN got up and asked me to take her home. We walked back to her building and when we got to my car which I had parked next to the building I got an idea. I wasn't going to let her stay home and cry her eyes out. I also needed to know what exactly happened.

Jimin: YN... Get in the car. I want to show you something.

YN: what? Where are we going?

Jimin: Do you trust me?

YN did not reply. She simply walked to the car and got onto the passenger seat. I saw her stare out of the window as tears fell down her cheeks. This was killing me. I drove and mostly kept my eyes on the road so I don't make her uncomfortable.


I couldn't stop my tears from coming down my cheeks and at some point I noticed jimin looking at me before keeping his eyes on the road. I had no idea where he was taking me but I'm glad I didn't have to spend a minute in my apartment, I couldn't face the memories from last night and Jungkook's scent still lingering everywhere in my apartment. His smile still fresh in my mind, his lips so soft, the way he dominated me... Omg what was I thinking. Why am I still thinking of him.
Tears still running down my cheeks, I closed my eyes to avoid them.

I don't know how long the drive was but I woke up to jimin shaking me. Apparently I fell asleep while crying and jimin had put a small blanket he had in the car over me. I had no idea where we were. I was just thankful for the ride.

Jimin: I couldn't let you go back in there alone. I thought maybe a ride would be better. We're in Busan. I know it's a 4hr drive but it will be worth it.And if you allow we can go back tomorrow morning or tonight if you want.

YN: Why Busan. If I remember correctly this is your home town right?

Jimin: Yes it is. I come here everytime I'm overwhelmed. And you looked like you needed to breathe.

YN: Thank you Jimin. I needed this. I left everything at home, how will I book a hotel?

Jimin: Don't worry about it. We can go to my Dad's place but I also booked a hotel just in case if the first idea wasn't too comfortable.

YN: Thank you Jimin. I think the hotel is better. I wouldn't want to meet your family looking like this. I just ran out of the house this morning. Didn't dress up or anything.

Jimin: Sure. Let me get you to the hotel. I booked two rooms next to each other in case you'll need me close.

POV: Jungkook

I left YN's place this morning a bit confused. Why did she not take breakfast, why did she sound distant when we left? Did she regret last night? Was she sober coming from the dinner?
Just then I checked my phone...

"Angel ❤️
Hey baby. Did you forget about me last night? you didn't come to my place. I miss you. Can we have brunch later?
Love you. Kiss 😘"

I don't remember saving her number like this. YN must have seen this. Omg. Especially after last night.
This message came from my worst nightmare...Minji. I know she's going to ruin everything and all the chances I had with YN. I didn't know what to do except for seeing YN but I had to meet up with Tae first.

Tae: You look like crap. You're so pale like you've seen a ghost. What's up?

Jungkook : Nothing really. Just a tough morning.

Tae: Kookie, you know I always have your back. We all do. If you have anything eating you up I hope you'll come to me one any of the hyungs.

Jungkook : sure thing. Tae can we do this later I have something I need to set straight.

Without waiting for his reply I rashed out of the cafe we were in and got in my car driving straight to YN's place. I got in and went upstairs hoping to talk to her. I knocked a couple of times, making my knuckles hurt but I didn't stop. Looks like she's not back yet. Maybe I'll wait for her in my car. I don't know why I parked across the street. Maybe I was in a hurry to make a turn.
I walked to my car and sat there thinking about everything YN must be feeling right now. I don't want to lose her.
She's beautiful, innocent, smart, sweet, caring and above all very Submissive and obedient. I saw that side of her last night and it made me want her more.

Just then I saw Jimin's car parking out of YN's building and him running across the street and into the park behind my car. At first I thought He was running to me but seems like he didn't even notice me. After a few minutes I saw him and YN walking together and when they reached the building they stood right next to Jimin's car.This was it, I was going to tell her the truth.

As I open my door and come out, Jimin and YN had gotten into his car and drove off. That made me so mad and Jealous. But it was all my fault.
I got back in and drove to the dom. I didn't talk a word to anyone and ignored the members and went straight to my room and locked the door from inside.

I heard a couple of knocks but didn't bother to open. I was going to sleep this anger off.

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