PART 6: Is this too fast?

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The coming week has been quiet for you. The boys have been practicing a lot and barely had time to rest let alone socialize. This did not deter Jungkook from texting you whenever he had free time. The two of you had gotten closer and at this point you had shared a lot about each other.

The rest of the boys texted you too since you were added to the group and also had a few one to one chats with Jimin, Jhope and RM. One time Yoongi called you to explain a procedure you had asked him. Everything was going on well with this trip and you were glad you came.

This past week you spent it trying different resturants and foods, cafe that were so aesthetically designed, you tried the libraries around your place, the parks and even got to wear a hanbok for a shoot.

It was Friday evening and you were sitting on your coach trying to catch up on your kdramas when you felt your phone vibrate.

Hey YN... How are you today? I'm sorry I had a busy schedule I didn't text earlier. We haven't talked for a while.
                         Oh no, it's okay. I know you guys are busy and as an army I do appreciate your efforts.

So..I called to ask you something. Are you doing anything this evening?

                           Not really, I'll just be at my place watching a new series I got.

Perfect. I'll come pick you up for dinner. I want you to try this nice place I like going to. Is that okay?

                             Uuh... Sure. I'll be ready.  I'll send you my location.

Great. Can't wait to see you. I'll freshen up then come right away.

You didn't know how to turn him down when he's been so sweet to you and you sort of formed a friendship bond with him. You wanted to text Jungkook and just let him know. You didn't know why but something in you just wanted to update him so he didn't worry.
Before you had the chance of texting him, he had sent you a text.

Jimin said you have a date with him tonight. Is that true?
                             Good evening to you too. And no it's just dinner, it's not a date. He asked if we can go eat.

I'm sorry that was rude of me. Good evening. It's a bum you aren't free. I was gonna ask you for dinner tonight but I guess Jimin beat me to it.
                              I'm sorry, maybe we can do dinner tomorrow if that's okay. Hey I gotta go get ready before Jimin gets here. ( I felt so bad. I had missed him and wanted to see him).

Okay okay... Send me a picture of what you wear. And update me so I don't worry.

With that, you went into the shower, took a quick one since you had already showered earlier. You didn't know what to wear because you had no idea the place you were going. Was it fancy, simple or a diner. But either way, you had to look good because you knew Jimin cleans up well.

You took your time getting ready and did everything before Jimin arrived. The weather was warm so no need to carry a jacket. You looked at yourself in the milky white silk dress and white heels with simple jewelry. You looked amazing.
You took a picture and sent it to Jungkook as he asked.

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