PART 16: Blame game

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You sat on the couch very nervous. You had it all planned out. You'll go to mama's diner, have a milkshake then after ask if you two can go watch the sunset then say yes to him. The plan was all too perfect nothing can stop you two now. You kept checking your phone to see if He was here already but No... No call, no text, nothing.

1hr later you started getting restless. You didn't want to call him knowing he was on the bike and not a car today. Instead, you called Jimin.

YN:  Hey Jimin. Did Jungkook leave already? We were supposed to meet up.

Yes about 45 minutes ago, If he's not there yet I think he might have gone to buy gifts or flowers, you know him.

Okay thank you. I'll wait for him.

He was so excited when he left. Hope you enjoy your evening. Bye YN.

With that Jimin hung up. You smiled at the thought of Jungkook stopping to buy you flowers or gifts. "He was the sweetest" you thought.


You were startled by the door bell. You had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Jungkook. You ran up to the door ,opened it only to find a young girl probably a teenager.

Girl: Hello Ms... Is this Yoona's house?

YN: No dear.

Girl: I'm sorry, I think I got the houses mixed up. I'll call her.

The girl turned and walked away. You closed the door and went back to the couch. You took your phone and checked the time. Two hours since you talked to Jimin. Something wasn't right. Jungkook would have been here by now.

"Did he come and I couldn't hear the doorbell... No he has my pass code" you thought.

You dialled his number and called him. No response after the first ring. This got you so worried you called the second time.


Hello who is this and where is he?

Ma'am do you know the owner of the cellphone? If so, are you related?

He is my boyfriend. Where is he?

Voice :
Ma'am can you come to Seoul National University Hospital. I'll send you the number to call and someone will come for you at the reception.

You didn't think twice as you took your coat and headed out. You were freaking out and thinking all thoughts of scenarios of what might have happened. You took a taxi to the hospital and called the number sent by the girl, sure enough someone came for you.
You kept asking the man what happened but he didn't answer and said you will be informed by the doctor.

Tears rolled down your face as you sat still, motionless in this office. What the doctor had told you still rang through your mind and you had wished it was a dream.

"He has lost a lot of blood. He went through surgery but he's not awake yet. He also suffered a loss of mobility because of the injuries around his joints so we will have to wait and see when he wakes up. We're still monitoring him. He will be needing a wheelchair to move around. The loss of mobility can be treated with physiotherapy and a lot of exercise. He is still unconscious but you can come see him."

(Author Note: I am not at all a doctor or studied medicine so if I missed or added anything that is not factual I'm sorry.)

You followed the doctor to where Jungkook was and stood still shaken next to his bed. He looked so fragile with pipes coming out of his mouth.  You couldn't control tears running down your face. Just a few hours ago you were going to say yes to this man while watching the sunset.

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