PART 13: Let us handle it

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Non of the boys knew what to say or do. They stood there frozen looking at Jungkook. But one thing for sure... Their anger was directed to Minji.

Jin: from what I've heard looks like you were drugged. This sounds so scripted I bet it was planned.

RM: And I bet there's no evidence because nothing ever happened.

Jungkook : I'm sorry hyungs. I know I acted like an asshole and hurting YN too. I love her, but she won't hear me out. Not that I blame her.

The boys walked over to him and each giving him a hug and holding him.He felt lighter now that the truth was out. At least to his brothers.

Yoongi:  I'm sorry for brushing you off earlier. I was mad.

Jungkook : it's okay hyung. At least I know you care about YN.

Yoongi: Guys, I think we need to expose Minji. Army always believe us and if we all go live and show our support, I'm sure the true army will believe us.

Jhope: Yes I think we should too. How about tomorrow? We need to have Jimin too.

The boys agreed and they finally went in to sleep. IYN
was pretty early in the morning, around 3am. Tae insisted on sleeping with Jungkook since Jimin wasn't around and they didn't want to leave him alone.


I woke up with a slight headache. Jimin was still sound asleep as I stretched over to see the time. 7:00am.I went to the kitchen to get some water and then decided to make breakfast as a thank you to Jimin. I wasn't good at Korean recipe so I decided to make vanilla pancakes with chocolate chips. It didn't take long to finish cooking. I didn't want to wake Jimin up so I opted to watch a kdrama.

My phone vibrated a couple of times and checking it... The group with the boys was active.

                 Bangtan group

Jimin, where are you? We have a very important discussion.

                           He's still sleeping, rough night you know.

I bet sleeping on the couch was a bit uncomfortable.

                         Oh No... He slept on the bed. He's just exhausted.

And you took the couch? That's worse.

                        No.. We both slept on the bed.

Must have been tough for him, did you cuddle? He's a tight hugger when he sleeps.

Tae stop. Jungkook can see the texts. Be nice.

Heyy YN how're you feeling? I'm really sorry about last night.

                           Don't be. Nothing was your fault yoongi. I feel much better today.

YN.. There's something we need to discuss with you and Jimin. Can we come over?

                         Sure but I don't think I'm ready to face him right now.

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