<Chapter 2>

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"Wait what?!"

"Yeah i know. Do you think it was him?"

"Could be. You know how he treated you before. He would definitely do it again. But don't think about it too much. He won't hurt you anymore. We're here to protect you."

"Thank you guys. I gotta get ready for school now. See you later"

"Bye, we love you"

I quickly did my make-up and hairstyle and put on my uniform. Afterwards i put the cream on my bruised wrist and bandaged it up again. Heading downstairs I saw that my mom was standing in the kitchen looking at her phone.

 Heading downstairs I saw that my mom was standing in the kitchen looking at her phone

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"Morning Mom"

"Good Morning Honey. You look beautiful!"

"Thank you. Don't you have work today?"

"No honey. I'm taking a day off because I have to prepare something. Come home directly after school, ok? I have to tell you something"

"Ok mom, see you!"

"Have a great day, bye"


I quickly got off the bus and went to the entrance. I couldn't wait to see my friends and finally get out of that crowd. Everyone was staring at me and whispering something. It made me nervous. It's not that I hate attention. I sometimes enjoy it especially when I'm performing. But knowing there is something I don't know and it's probably about me makes me anxious.

I tried to ignore the people around me as much as I could. Maybe that wasn't the best idea because I bumped into someone and fell on the floor, again. I really have a talent for that.

I groaned holding my bruised wrist. Not again. It's not going to heal too soon if I continue like this.

"Don't you have eyes?! Watch where you're going!", a male voice snapped at me.

„Oh sorry I wasn't looki..."

"Wait, I've seen you before haven't I?", he interrupted me. I slowly looked up and mustered the boy, who was standing in front of me.


"Yeah that's me. You are the girl from yesterday, right? Is your wrist okay?"

„Not really. I put on the cream like you told me but I just fell on it again"

"Oh I'm sorry. Wait let me help..."

"UNNIE!", a loud scream interrupted him.

I looked back to see Yuna and Chaeryeong running to us. Chaer quickly helped me standing up and checked on me before turning to Jungkook with Yuna. "We're sorry she bumped into you. She's new so she doesn't know you", they both bowed to him and I looked at all of them confused about the situation. "Oh don't worry I'm not going to hurt you", Jungkook laughed. Yuna looked up. "Wait, you won't?" "No why would I? I know her and she's hurt. I may be mean but I'm not a monster", Jungkook let out a small bunny smile. Chaeryeong and Yuna looked at me with a shocked expression."You know him?!", both yelled.
"Hey lower your voice, we're still in school! And yeah he's the boy I told you about"
They both turned to him and bowed again. "Thank you for helping her. We'll get going now"

Chaeryeong softly grabbed my right wrist and took me with them. I looked back and waved him goodbye before turning around and heading to the principles office to get my schedule.


"So you're trying to tell me that Jungkook, the literal trouble himself, helped you out yesterday, treated your bruised wrist and wasn't even one bit mad that you bumped into him twice?!", Lia asked me once we went to our classroom. Lia and me were the same age so we were going to the same class.

"Yup, exactly"

"And you were not afraid of him?"

"I was really afraid of him at first because he shouted at me like he was going to murder me any second but when he saw that I was hurt and crying, he was very nice and tried to calm me down. I felt safe with him"

"Im proud of you! You're making a progress in recovering"

"Thank you!"

We arrived at the classroom and Lia knocked on the door. "Come in", she opened the door and we went inside.
"Oh, the new student. Lia please go to your seat. You must be the transfer student, right? Please introduce yourself to the class!"

"Hello everyone! I am Hwang Yeji and I'm 17 years old." I tried my best not to stutter when I saw a few girls glaring at me. But I saw Lia showing me an encouraging smile. "I hope we'll get along well!", I added with a bright smile

"Please take a seat"

I quickly walked over to Lia and sat beside her. I tried to focus on the lesson when the door suddenly flew open, causing me to flinch. Jungkook walked in but stopped midway when the teacher talked to him. "Why are you late again Kim Jungkook?" Jungkook just sent her a glare which caused her to shut up and continue the lesson like nothing had happened. I gave him a small smile when he walked by but he just ignored it. Rude. I thought we were getting to know each other a little bit but I guess he doesn't want that to happen.


"I'm home mom"

"Hi honey! How was school!"

"Good, I guess", I hadn't talked to Jungkook the rest of the day cause he ignored me like I was invisible. It kind of hurt me because he was the first guy I felt safe with after the incident happened. I know I've only known him since yesterday and we are nothing near close so I couldn't blame him but I still thought we could become friends.

"That's good. You know that I wanted to talk to you, right?"

"Yup, let me just get fresh real quick"

I rushed up the stairs and took a shower because I wouldn't be going to the dance studio today. After changing into something more comfortable I walked downstairs.

"Do you want to eat something before we talk?"

"No it's okay. I already had lunch at school. So what do you wanna tell me?"

"Yeji you know that I have been staying longer at work lately, right?"

"Yeah you told me about that"

"Actually, it was not because of work. I am dating my boss since a few months and we got engaged last week"

"Oh, congratulations"

"Are you upset with it? You look a little dull"

"Honestly, I'm really happy for you. You deserve to have a loving partner after all you did for me. I'm just a little disappointed you didn't tell me earlier. But it's ok. I guess you had your reasons"

"Thank you for understanding Yeji. Also, would you be okay with having brothers? He has seven sons"

"I guess?", no totally not. Seven sons?!

"Thats good! We will be having dinner with them tomorrow, don't forget it okay?"

"Yeah, I'm going to my room now"

I slowly slid down the closed door. How am I supposed to deal with seven brothers if I can't even handle one boy I don't even know ignoring me? Tears started to build in my eyes. What if they are like him?

~1190 words


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