<Chapter 9>

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It has been three days since my hospital visit. I convinced everyone to not tell my mom and Mr. Kim about this, so they wouldn't worry and ask any questions why I fainted. My wrist got better from day to day but I still had to wear the wrist rest.

BTS and I, except for Taehyung and Jimin, got along very well on the weekend and it really makes me happy that I won't have to fear them anymore.

The only bad thing right now, was the stalker. He always sent me creepy pictures of me and my friends and threat messages. It got worse in the past few days and it was really worrying me. I didn't want my friends to get hurt and I don't know why the stalker even dragged them into this mess. It really scared me to do things alone as I constantly had the feeling of being watched and it was horrible. My eating habit wasn't normal either. I always skipped meals if I could as it strangely helped me to reduce my stress. It wasn't good for my health and I knew that but I just couldn't bring myself to eat something.

The only place where I really felt safe was the dance studio. Even though Itzy banned me from going there until my wrist was fully healed, I couldn't stop myself from practicing as it lets me forget everything. If i don't tell them, they won't find out. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

"What are you doing here Unnie?". Well, screw that.

I saw Yuna closing the door of our practice room and stopping the music. Now you better tell a good excuse

"I...um...I was...cleaning the mirror! Yes, I was cleaning the mirror!", I quickly grabbed my sweater, which was laying on the floor and swiped it over the big wall mirror.

"With a sweater?", Yuna looked at me suspiciously.

"Yes, with a sweater"

She laughed, looking at me while I was swiping the mirror like a maniac, trying to look as inconspicuous as I could.

"You know that you're a horrible liar, right?"

Offended by her statement, I turned my head to her and started pouting.

"It's okay. I understand that you couldn't wait for dance practice anymore, but your wrist is still not fully healed. And we don't want to hurt it again, right?", she said with a soft voice, looking at me. I sighed while shaking my head.

"I have a deal for you. If you buy me cookies and a hot chocolate after the next dance practice, I won't tell anyone that I saw you here, ok?"

"Hey, you're blackmailing me!", I whined.

"You better be quick. Lia messaged me that she'll come in a few minutes."

"Deal!", I scoffed while picking up my bag from the floor and giving Yuna a quick hug before storming out of the dance studio.


"Hi Sweetie!", I smiled at the nickname. Jungkook and I started getting really close over the weekend and he suggested to give each other nicknames.

"Hi Kookie!", I looked at him while closing my locker.

"Sweetie, I really like that nickname but I told you to call me Oppa!", he playfully glared at me. I only stuck out my tongue at him and ran to class.

"Hey! Yeji!", I giggled hearing him shout after me.

"What's so funny?", Lia smiled seeing my happy face, once I arrived at our table.

"Nothing important, just Jungkook being Jungkook", I sat down on my seat when Lia turned to me.

"I'm really happy that you and your brothers are getting along well now. You seem so much happier!", Lia stated. She was right. Although the thing with my stalker really scared me, I was happy to have a good relationship with almost all of my stepbrothers.

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