<Chapter 23>

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The lights turned off, as we went onto the stage and placed ourselves in the right formation. I looked to the crowd and searched for my brothers, hoping they weren't going to be late for our first perfomance. A smile formed on my lips as I saw them standing in the front row, not far away from Lisa, Jennie and another pretty woman, who looked oddly familar to me.

Cheers could be heard as the lights turned on and we started dancing. I could practically feel the music taking over me, the longer we danced. We moved perfectly in sync and gave our best to hit the right expressions. I glanced to my brother's mid performance and saw them clapping to the beat and cheering us on.

A smile formed on my lips as we did our ending poses and cheers started to fill the venue. Everyone clapped and screamed for us, making me feel like a real idol.

"And that was Itzy's first performance of this evening, already shocking everyone with their amazing dancing skills and expressions. We already know that Itzy is one of the highest scoring groups among all contestants, but are they still as good as they were before? Let's ask our judges!", the host shortly smiled at us before turning to the judges.


"That was amazing!", I squealed as we walked off the stage and into the backstage area, where we would go and eat something as the break had already started.

"The cheers were so loud and we received great feedback too!", Lia agreed.

The judges were as always impressed by our stage presence. We hear that pretty often. People say we might even have the best stage presence of all contestants, which is a pretty big compliment as there were around 25 groups attending the competition.

"And I think your brothers liked it too", Ryujin turned to me.

"Yeah, they cheered the whole time", Yuna laughed.

I was about to say something, when I heard a voice behind us.


I was chrushed into hug by some muscle bunny who acted like he just won in the lottery.

"You guys were amazing!", he broke the and smiled at me.

"Thank you!"

I giggled seeing the other six coming towards us while Taehyung and Jimin fought about something and Jin looked like he would rip them apart any second if they wouldn't shut up. Behind them was the pretty woman, who I already saw from the stage, but couldn't recognize, even though she looked really familiar.

"You guys were sooo cool! Your dancing skills are really good!", Jhope was fanboying about us, while we just giggled, a little embarrassed to be praised like that.

"Oh, Yeji?", the pretty woman turned to me and smiled. She had blonde, long hair and an angel like voice.

Yes, that's me. And you are?", I hesitantly asked, not wanting to anger her as I didn't recognize her.

"I'm Park Chaeyoung, but you can call me Rosé or Rosie, whatever you prefer. I'm one of Jennie and Lisa's friends thats why I'll probably look familiar to you."

That's where I've seen her before. Although I never really talked to her, I knew I had met her before.

"Oh you were at our last competition too, right?", I remembered seeing her with Lisa and Jennie backstage.

PROMISES // Stepbrothers // Yeji Hwang x BTSWhere stories live. Discover now