<Chapter 14>

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The Driver, one of Wooyoung's men, sped up as I buckled my seatbelt before looking out of the window, seeing Namjoon and Yoongi glaring at us.

"BTS is going to kill me", I stated while turning to the others.

But to be honest, it was exciting to run away from them like this. I felt like an agent on a secret mission.

"Don't worry. I and the other Ateez members wouldn't let that happen. They couldn't stop talking about you yesterday.", Wooyoung laughed, while I started blushing.

"Oh, is someone blushing?", Yuna raised her eyebrows and teasingly smiled at me. I playfully hit her while she tried to tickle me, Wooyoung laughing at our childishness.

"Uhm, I really don't wanna destroy the mood but I think someone's following us", Lia pointed at the back window where a black limousine could be seen behind us.

"Are they crazy? What is so special about you?", Wooyoung turned to me.

"Excuse me?", I looked at him, offended about his question.

"No, I didn't mean it like that! It's just that they've never been so protective over someone before", he stated

"Protective? The only one who is protective over me is that crazy coconut head. I'm sure the others hate my guts since yesterday, especially Jimin and Taehyung. They planned to kill me as soon as they found out I was going to be their sister."

"Jimin and Taehyung?", Wooyoung started laughing but stopped as soon as he saw my serious face. "For real?", he asked, just to be sure while I nodded.

"They are getting closer!", Ryujin called out to us. Can't they leave me alone for one second?

"We can't really drive to Chaeryeong's right now because they would snatch you away as soon as we'll arrive, so we have to outpace them. Kyung, try to outpace this black limousine behind us!", the driver, named Kyung, nodded at Wooyoungs order.

Yuna quickly held onto my hand as I felt the van speeding up. Kyung tried his best to get away from BTS while the other Itzy members and me were worried for our life.

I quickly fished my phone out of my pocket as I suddenly got a call.

"Hello?", the others looked at me, confused why I was making a phone call right now.

"Yeji? Is everything okay?", a familiar voice could be heard through the screen.

"Yeah, I guess?"

"Is Wooyoung with you?", I looked up at said boy, who shook his head.

"No? No, he's not with me. Why are you calling Hongjoong?"

"Are you sure? Your brothers called me that Wooyoung kidnapped you in front of their eyes.", I started laughing.

"Well you can call it like that if you want to but if that was kidnapping, then you can kidnapp me everyday.", Hongjoong chuckled.

"So I can tell your brothers that you're fine, right?"

"Yeah. Maybe they'll stop chasing us like crazy idiots then."

"But don't do anything stupid, ok? They were really worrying about you" Too late.

"Yeah I won't. I have to go now, byeee", I quickly hung up.

I looked back to see BTS' limousine slowing down a bit before driving back at the next roundabout.

"How did you do that?", Wooyoung turned to me.

"Magic?", I chuckled, leaving him dumbfounded.

"Can we go to mine now? I'm hungry", Chaeryeong whined.

PROMISES // Stepbrothers // Yeji Hwang x BTSWhere stories live. Discover now