<Chapter 45>

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Voices started ringing in my ears as I could feel myself breathing and laying in comfortable bed sheets. A quiet beeping could be heard too. Was I dead? My eyes slowly opened and I tried to sit up but failed miserably and started to cough.

"Yeji!", the voice of my best friends filled my ears and I was soon engulfed in a soft hug.

"Chaeryeong...where's Chaeryeong?", my voice came out raspy and quiet but I couldn't help widening my eyes when seeing only three of my members.

"I'm here! Did you think I'd just leave you like that?", a soft chuckle could be heard from my left and I soon diverted my gaze to be met with the pale face of the one I was looking for.

Tears started to fill my eyes as I remembered everything that had happened. I tried my best to blink them away but that failed miserably when I heard quiet sobs coming from the youngest. Yuna.

"I'm so glad you're finally back...", tears fell down both of our cheeks as the youngest engulfed me into a careful hug.

I softly stroke her back to comfort both her and me. It was hard to be separated from all of them for so long, considering we spent almost all of our time together.

"Your brothers already managed everything with the police and our company also knows about your return. They also left this letter for you...", Lia sent me an apologetic smile as soon as I broke free from Yuna's embrace and wiped my tears away.

I frowned when realizing that none of my brothers were present in the room as I opened the letter. It was neatly folded and it was visible that they really handled it with care. But as soon as unfolding it I knew that it wouldn't be a happy letter when seeing the writing a little smeared at some parts, indicating that someone cried while writing it.

Dear Yeji!

Life is unfair. That's the first thing that almost all of us thought when finding out we would get a stepsister. Everyone hated the fact of not only receiving one but two new family members, which both were girls as it wasn't really good for our lifestyle.
Except for Jungkook. He was the first one of us to meet you and welcome you to the family. Although he didn't really show it at first, he really cared for you.
As time passed by the others also opened up to you, including Jimin and Taehyung.
And that's when things started going wrong. All of us didn't really know how to deal with having a sister and the sudden feeling of anger when someone hurt you or you were in danger, so the overprotective side started to show. We didn't realize at first but thinking about it now it was very obvious that you didn't really like it and struggled to deal with our sudden change of behavior. The never ending fights between Ryujin and Jimin kind of supported that fact too.
I know that it didn't seem like it but Yeji trust me when I tell you all of us loved you as our sister and still do, but the decision of not letting you train to be a kpop idol was necessary at that time. None of us knew your backstory at the time, just as you didn't know our dangerous life style, which was the reason for our behavior. It still doesn't justify our actions and we all know that, we were just too blind to realize that we were hurting you instead of trying to prevent that at all costs.
It really hurt our feelings when you decided to distance yourself from us but we all knew that we couldn't do anything against it as both Jisoo and Rosé made us clear that it was our own fault.

Everything that happened in the past few weeks made me realize that it maybe would be the best to take a break from each other. Live your dream life as a kpop idol and show us that you were right all along. We'll make sure no one would ever stop you from doing that again, so make not only us but all of your fans proud. But don't forget, you'll always be a Kim and have a special place in our hearts.
We love you!

Written by Seokjin in the name of all your brothers.

I gulped as I read the last sentence of the letter and tears started welling up in my eyes again. Not knowing how to react I just looked up to see both Rosé and Jisoo have joined us.

"Are...are they really gone?", my voice shivered a little at the thought of my brothers leaving me alone.

Our relationship was toxic and I knew that but it still hurt me that they would only write me a goodbye letter and not come in person to clear all of our misunderstandings.

Jisoo just sighed before sitting down next to me and taking my hand in hers, softly rubbing it.

"They did the same to us. Ateez came to us this morning and brought us the letter.", Rosé bit her lip and fiddled with her fingers.

"But you won't leave me, right?", I looked up to them.

"Never! You were our favorite cousin anyway!", both of them chuckled, but the pain was still visible in their eyes

Maybe it was better for them to leave.

2 months later

"Are you ready?", I looked at all of my members while fixing my in ears.

It was finally time for our debut stage after having to postpone it due to the incident. The topic was all over the media, which made us quite popular, so it was no wonder to already hear people cheering for us even though we hadn't even performed yet.

"Always!", Ryujin smiled as we walked up to the platform, which was going to lift us up.

I closed my eyes as the little elevator started to lift us up to the stage, cheers filling my ears when it came to a halt. I opened my eyes again as the music started and the spotlight was set on us.

It was finally our time to shine.



This was the last chapter of 'Promises'!

Thank you for reading! <3

Don't forget to check out my new book sunshine~

PROMISES // Stepbrothers // Yeji Hwang x BTSWhere stories live. Discover now