<Chapter 42>

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Storming out of the van I held a tight grip on my gun and started shooting as soon as I saw the first guards, the others being right behind me.

I was ready to fight and do everything I could to safe my sister from that bastard. I knew that we all really fucked up a few times already and it broke my heart when she really didn't come back to our mansion. Knowing that we were at fault and had really hit a soft spot, I couldn't stop blaming myself for the whole situation to be like it was right now. I'm thankful that Rosé and Jisoo helped us to realize what we really had done.

I wasn't used to people not obeying me, so when Yeji fighted back and wouldn't give up with the idol thing, I lost my temper. I knew that she would never forgive us but I would try my best to get her and Chaeryeong out of there alive, even if they both hated me. Yeji was still my sister and I loved her. I was just so blinded by protecting her from others, that I forgot to protect her from myself.

"BEHIND YOU!", Rosé yelled, making me aware of the person behind me, who was about to attack with a knife.

Quickly smashing the knife out of his hands I kicked him onto the floor and shot a bullet directly into the heart, making him scream in pain before darkness overtook him.

"Let's be fast, I'm sure he already heard about our arrival!", Namjoon turned to us after finishing the last guard in front of the building.

Nodding, we all stormed through the back door, trying to surprise the rest of the guards, which worked very well. Defeating all of them, we made our way up to the second floor, where the cells were located. Searching through every single one of them, hoping to find Yeji and Chaeryeong, we couldn't find them, meaning that they probably were with Seojoon.

Park Seojoon. One of our biggest and worst enemies. He always wanted to take the first place away from us, but never was successful. Knowing that we now had a weakness, he took advantage of it and tried to take us down with blackmailing us with Yeji. Knowing that he was once not only Yeji's most trusted person, but the boy she wanted to marry one day, made all of this way worse than it already was.

We weren't even supposed to know that, but Yoongi found it out when searching for both the girls as he had to take a closer look at their files. Thinking about the way be treated her back then, didn't make this situation surprising though.

Anger started to overtake me as I remembered the pictures of her scar that Yoongi showed us. No one knew that it was existing and that she had to deal with such pain before.

A shot could be heard again, pulling me out of my thoughts. Looking to my left I saw a bullet stuck in the wall, it barely had missed me. Quickly attacking again, the others doing the same we killed the one guard and made our way up to the third floor, hoping to find something there.

A painful scream filled my ears as we arrived on the third floor, no guards being present. Adrenaline rushed through my body as I thought about the fact that it had to be one of the girls. My brothers and cousins noticing the same thing, we stormed to the location, where we assumed the scream came from.

A big double steel door was the only thing separating us from our sister now, pain filled screams still piercing through my ears, making me more angry than I already was. Having no patience left anymore, I stormed into the room, a horrifying scene playing in front of me.



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