<Chapter 5>

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I really don't know how to feel right now. I just found out that Jungkook is a member from BTS and to be honest I'm scared of him. I know that he saved me from him two days ago and I'm really grateful for that. But seeing him almost beating a student to death made me hella scared of him. I'm glad my friends were near me and reacted so fast otherwise this could've ended way worse.

"Are you ok Yeji? You're barely touching your food.", Mr. Kim pointed out. All the attention was on me now. Well now you gotta tell a good excuse Yeji. I haven't been eating because of your youngest son who beat the shit out of a student today and almost caused me to have a panic attack. Nope. Definitely not the best idea. Well I'm scared of your sons because they look like they'll kill me any second if i make one wrong move. Not really better.


"Oh sorry mom. I'm just not really feeling well", well that's actually the truth. Kind of.

"Is it because of you wrist?", Jungkook pointed at my left wrist.

"Why? What happened?", Mr. Kim asked. Well, I'm fucked up.

I couldn't tell the truth because mom was here but I couldn't lie either because Jungkook sat right next to me and knew what had happened.

"Oh it's only a small injury that happened in the dance studio two days ago. My friend treated me so it doesn't really hurt anymore", i tried my best to be convincing. It hurt like hell but it was no option telling that.

"Actually...", Jungkook tried to explain but I quickly stepped on his foot causing him to shut up. He snapped his head towards me and glared at me. Shit.

"You dance?", Jhope asked. The first time I'm glad that I'll get more than one brother.

"Yeah. Me and my friends are a dancing group. We often take part in competitions. Some of us even sing and rap.", finally a better topic. Even though I wasn't so keen on telling them something about myself, it was better than lying.

"That's really impressive!", Mr Kim proudly looked at me. I only hummed in response.


"We have to announce something", Mr. Kim cleared his throat before continuing. "In-na and I are dating as you guys all know. We actually got engaged last week and will be having the marriage next week"

Wait, What?! Next week?!

"Dad! You know we still didn't agree to have them as a family!", some shorty yelled

Ouch. I know I didn't really like the idea of having brothers but hearing this hurt me.

"Lower your voice Jimin!"

"But he is right. You didn't even ask us if we are ok with that", some grumpy cat looking boy angrily spat out.

And that's when the chaos began. Everyone started to argue how they didn't want us in the family.

I didn't know how to react. I just sat there with my head down, quietly listening to their fight. I'm also not really keen to have eight new family members who I don't even know but their words hurt. I felt horrible. I know I may be overreacting but they could at least try and give us a chance.

"Yeji? What do you think about it?"

"Huh?", I looked up and saw everyone staring at me. "I...I don't know". The boys were all glaring at me except Jungkook. He looked worried. "I'll have to think about it. Can I go now? I still have dance practice...", I said with a low voice, scared they'll get angry at me.

"Sure. But don't put too much pressure on your wrist", I nodded and stood up to leave the room but stopped midway. I turned to my mom. "I'll be sleeping at Chaeryeong's today."

"Yeji...", she sighed. She knew I was hurt that she chose this decision without considering my opinion.

"Don't worry darling, it'll be fine. I guess she needs some time alone", dad insured her as I walked out the door.


I smiled seeing Chaeryeong dancing with full energy through the window in the door. I waited until she was done and walked in.

"Hi Unnie! What are you doing here?", she plopped herself on the grey floor of our practice room and tapped next to her, signaling me to sit beside her.

"Our family dinner didn't end as well as I thought it would.", I sighed sitting down next to her. "They want to get married next week". Chaeryeong looked as if she had just seen a ghost.

"That was unexpected"

"I know. But that's not the worst thing. I told you about the brother thing, right?", Chaer just hummed in response.



"Bts are going to be my brothers", Chaeryeong dropped the water bottle that she just grabbed a few seconds ago.


"That's actually not that bad, right?", Lia's voice sounded through my mobile phone. Chaeryeong and I went to her house after talking in the practice room and decided to tell the others about it in a group call. We were currently laying in Chaer's bed because we already took a shower and she lent me some of her clothes and a second uniform for school tomorrow.

"Not that bad? They looked like they would rip me apart if I make one wrong move. And I'm very sure they're capable of doing that.", I mentally cried.

"Yeah, I know. But think about. You'll surely get to know them better and they can protect you from him when we are not around, you know? And I'm sure Mr. Kim and your mom won't let them touch even one hair of yours.", Lia encouraged me.

"I think Lia is right. Think positive about it. And don't forget that we're always there for you if you need us!", Ryujin encouraged me. I sighed, again.

"Head up Unnie. I know you're strong enough to handle them. You can do this!", Yuna cheered me up while doing funny poses to lighten up the mood.

I giggled watching her cuteness through the screen. "Thank you guys. I really don't know what I would do without you"

"Awww you're so cute. We also love you", Chaeryeong engulfed me in a hug.

~1050 words


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