<Chapter 39>

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I stared at the food and water, not in the mood to eat anything, but knowing that I had to, if I wanted to survive. Who knew, how long it would take for me to get my next meal.

Chaeryeong sighed, sat down at the chair next to me and turned her body in my direction, before taking my spoon and soup boul in her hands.

"Open up", she took the first spoon and fed me like a baby.

"You've been staring at that soup for god knows how long and I couldn't watch that anymore", she continued to feed me, while I let it happen, feeling too tired to fight back.

After I finished the whole soup, Chaer helped me laying down on the bed again and lay down next to me, snuggling a little closer. We, or you could say Chaeryeong as I wasn't really a great help, pushed the two beds together already, so there was no gap between them and we could sleep together, too scared to lay so far away from each other in that dark room, even if it were just some centimeters.

The boy told us, that he would come back and treat my wound again and bring us food, which he never did. Some other man stormed into our room a while ago and brought us some soup and water and locked the door again.

It already felt like weeks, being locked im here, although I knew, that it was maximum two days. I didn't know, how long I had slept until Chaeryeong woke me up, but since then, probably a few hours had passed.

There was nothing to do in that boring cell, so the only thing we did, was hugging and hoping that somebody would come and save us, as we couldn't even escape due to my major injury.

"They'll come, right?", Chaeryeong asked me, after a few minutes of silence.

Not really knowing, how I should answer that question, as I didn't want to lie to her and knew that the possibility of the police or my brothers finding us wasn't very high, I just sighed.

"I don't know, but I hope it. The only thing we can do right now is not losing our hope and not giving up", I looked up to her, even though the only I thing I wanted, was to give up, I knew that there was no way I would do that. It was the only thing we could do, to survive this awful situation.

"I know it's hard, but let's not think about the bad things. We've been through worse and we survived it too."

"But you're losing more blood and get weaker from minute to minute", tears started flowing out of her eyes again.

"As long as you're here, I'm fine", I exclaimed, trying my best to smile a little and wiping her tears away with my thumb, even though she was right. My whole bandage was sucked up with blood, the duvet cover already being colored with it too, while I got more tired from time to time.

"Let's not give up. I know we can do this", I tightened the hug a little, making her snuggle a little closer to me, but careful to not hurt my injury.

"I knew that you're the best leader all along", she slightly chuckled, leading to me doing the same.

I meant what I said and I knew that we could survive this. As long as we were together, I wouldn't give up and I was sure that Chaeryeong thought the same. Having doubts was normal, especially in such a situation, but giving my best to get out of here still sounded better, than dying in that cold, dark cell.

About to close my eyes and trying to get some sleep in the arms of Chaer, I heard the door being opened again, making me scoot as close to my friend next to me, as I could, her doing the same. Slowly opening my eyes again and looking up, I saw the boy from before standing in the doorway, two guards, who were equipped with guns, accompanying him.

He approached us again, dropping his bag onto the ground and sitting down on the end of the bed. While he removed the old bandage from my left leg and cleaned the wound, I quickly held Chaeryeongs hand, her looking worriedly at me, but not uttering a word. Taking out the new bandage and carefully tying it around my leg, his face showed no emotions.

He quickly packed up his bag when he was done and stood up, but still not went out of the room.

"You'll have to come with us now. The boss wants to see you"

Already seeing the guards approaching us, I quickly said something, scared they would separate us.

"Can we please stay together? I need her for support", I exclaimed in a low voice and pointed at my injury, hoping they would agree and not get angry.

They shortly looked at each other before nodding and indicating us to stand up. Chaeryeong quickly helped me and supported me to get out of the cell, following the unknown boy and one of the guards, while the other one closed the door and walked behind us. The lead us to some room, where it was noticeable that we were probably in an old or never finished factory building.

The walls were made out of concrete, which was not painted, making everything look dull. The windows were decorated with spiderwebs, a few being lightly broken, the glass pieces lying on the ground. An office desk and chair were being placed the middle of the room.

My heart skipped a beat, when I realized, who was sitting on that chair, Chaeryeong next to me, only being able to scoff, also recognizing the familiar person.

"Long time no see, Hwang Yeji", he stood up, smirking at my shocked face.

"Or should I say Kim Yeji?"


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