<Chapter 8>

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Today was Friday, which meant that my time has ran up, to convince my mom to cancel the marriage. To be honest, I didn't even try talking to her. It's not that my life was not important to me but I didn't want to take her happiness away from her. It was not my right to forbid her to marry Mr.Kim.

Honestly, I was scared. Really scared. Who knows what they would do to me. But I knew that I had Jungkook and Yoongi. They were both really nice to me yesterday and Jungkook had already helped me before too. So I knew at least one of them would help me, if the others tried to hurt me.

"Aren't you hungry, Unnie?", Chaeryeong asked me as she noticed me constantly poking my food, without eating anything.

"Not really.", I answered truthfully. I didn't feel like eating right now. It stressed me out to only think about the things BTS was capable of doing and I didn't want any of those things happening to me. And the incident of yesterday was still in my mind. I constantly felt myself being watched by someone. I was scared to change dresses or take showers. And as if that wasn't enough, the stalker always sent me photos of me in school. I haven't eaten anything for more than 24 hours and it already affected my mood.

"Don't worry about them Unnie. We're always around you, so they'll have to pass us before they would be able to harm you.", Lia smiled at me.

"And you know what I told you. My fist is ready to be thrown!", Yuna tried cheering me up, which caused me to smile a little.

"Now eat something. You won't have enough energy to dance, if you don't eat anything!", Lia tried to feed me like a baby when someone loudly put their food tray on our table, causing me to flinch at the sudden noise.

"Hi lil sis! Are you enjoying your time with your friends?", Taehyung sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulders, clearly making me uncomfortable. I tried to back away a little, to safe myself in Lias arms, which only lead to him tightening his grip.

"Taehyung, let go of her!", Yuna gritted her teeth.

"Why? Am I not allowed to spend time with my sister? We still have to clear some problems, you know?", he grinned at me.

"No, not right now. You're clearly making her uncomfortable.", Chaeryeong glared at him.

"I'm not, right Yeji-ya?", he stared at me and tightened his grip a little more, causing me to flinch again. He always used to do the same. Whenever we were visiting my friends, family or were out in public, he acted nice but controlled me with his strong grip or frightening stare. I started shivering when I remembered the things he had done to me, which didn't go unnoticed by my friends.

"Enough! Let go of her before I make you regret showing your face to us!", Ryujin's voice dripped with venom. She stood up, glaring at him, ready to throw hands if it was necessary to help and protect me from him. If looks could kill, Taehyung would be dead by now.

"Wow wow wow, calm down. I'm not planning to hurt her. Yet. Just come to the rooftop after your next lesson and you'll be fine.", he loosened his grip, while Chaeryeong held Ryujin down, trying to prevent her from doing something she would regret later. Taehyung stood up, took his food tray and smirked at me one last time before he went to BTS' table.

"I swear, I'm going to kill that jerk!", Ryujin sat down again, still angry that Taehyung scared me like that.

"Are you ok Unnie?", Lia, who sat next to me, engulfed me in a hug. I nodded trying to hold back my tears. She sighed, noticing my state, pulled me a little closer to her and rubbed my back, trying to calm me down.

"Don't worry Unnie. Everything's going to be okay.", Yuna showed me a small smile, which I returned with a nod, not wanting to hurt her feelings by ignoring her.

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