<Chapter 16>

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"Why did you help me?", I looked up to Taehyung and Jimin, who were standing in front of me. Itzy was sitting on the beds and chairs, which were placed in the school infirmary. I can't believe it has only been a little more than two weeks that I started attending this school and I've already been treated by her two times.

"Because you obviously needed help and you're a Kim now. Nobody dares to lay hands on a Kim", Taehyung looked at me.

"Yeah but I thought you hated me"

"We don't hate you it's just...it's hard to accept you in the family", Jimin sighed.

"So you decided to threaten her. Definitely going to solve my problems like this in the future", Ryujin scoffed.

"Oh thank you for reminding me. I almost forgot. You should mention it more often", Jimin glared at her.

"Just stop fighting." I sighed while running my fingers through my hair.

"How long has he been bothering you?", Taehyung mustered me.

I quickly glanced at Itzy.

"Don't lie. I'll find out anyway", he glared at me.

I hesitated before answering. "I don't exactly know. About two weeks? Something like that"

"He's been bothering you for two weeks and you didn't say anything? We could've taken care of this earlier", Jimin's voice was shocked.

"I was scared to tell you. I'm sorry"

"You still didn't tell us what happened to you. Why did they even bother you?", Taehyung sat down on one of the chairs.

"That's not important. I have to go now, lessons already started.", I stood up and walked to the door, not really keen on telling them about my panic attacks.


"Let her be"


I plopped myself on the floor as the music stopped playing and Lisa walked to the front. We've been working on our group cooperation as leader and followers for about three hours and it was actually better than I expected. The girls really put their trust in me, which encouraged me to give my best.

"You did great today, I'm proud of you! I've already read the lyrics you wrote till now and I really like them, so I'll arrange an appointment at the music studio downstairs and add that to your schedules. You can go home now", Lisa smiled at us.

I quickly packed my bag and put on my jacket as it was already getting dark and cold outside.

"I'll get going now, see you tomorrow!", I waved at the others before walking out of the door, exhausted but still proud that practice went well today.

"What's up?", I felt someone putting his arm around my shoulders and dragging me towards the parking lot.

"Hi Mingi! What are you doing here?"

"Your brothers have things to do, so they asked me to babysit you", he grinned at me while I chuckled.

"Just you?", I saw Ateez limousine being parked on the parking lot.

"Nope, everyone's here. They couldn't wait to see you again", Mingi chuckled.

He opened the door as soon as we arrived and I was immediately greeted by seven happy faces.

"Hi Yeji!", Wooyoung jumped out of his seat and engulfed me in a hug.

"How was practice?", he broke the hug and softly dragged me into the limousine

"Good but tiring", I smiled while sitting down next to San and Wooyoung

"Do you wanna go and eat something? Your brothers aren't here for the night so we can do whatever you want", Jongho grinned at me.

"Whatever I want?"


"I can't believe you convinced us to do this", Yunho sighed as I applied the highlighter to his cheeks. We drove to the mall as soon as I was finished showering and fixing myself a little before my plans. I was very excited to spend my time with Ateez as I felt us getting close to each other and them starting to care for me, so I wore a cute outfit.

 I was very excited to spend my time with Ateez as I felt us getting close to each other and them starting to care for me, so I wore a cute outfit

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"Don't listen to him. Take whatever you want, princess", Hongjoong smiled at me while picking up the lip tint I tried a few minutes ago and putting it in the shopping basket Yeosang held for me. I grinned hearing the nickname and took the highlighter before turning around to Hongjoong.

"Thank you! It's funny to go shopping with you!", I smiled at him.

"Yeah, very funny...", Yunho quickly saved himself to Seonghwa and Mingi before side eyeing me. I chuckled seeing his reaction, put the highlighter in the basket and turned to Wooyoung and Jongho.

"I still need a blush and I already have makeup on, you know?"

"I don't really thi...", Wooyoung got interrupted by me taking his and Jongho's hand and dragging them to the blush section. Hongjoong chuckled and followed us, picking up different things I tried, but didn't take because it was too expensive for me.

I giggled seeing Jonghos face when I applied the cherry blush on his cheeks. He looked like a little kid who was forced to go shopping with his parents and hated only the thought of it.

"Hi Yeji!", I turned around, when I heard my name being called from a familar voice. Three girls stood in front of me, giving their best fake smile.

"Who are these boys you are with? They are handsome", Hyejin mustered Wooyoung and Jongho before looking at me. Didn't she like Jungkook?

"They are a few friends of mine.", I pulled Wooyoung a little closer to get him away from the three.

"You're not mad if we spend some time with you, right?", a girl next to Hyejin grinned at me while I glared at them, angry that they ruined my bonding time with Ateez.

"Sorry, but we don't know you and it doesn't really seem that Yeji likes you, so back off. You're standing in our way.", Hongjoong put his arm around my shoulder before glaring at them and walking away with me while Wooyoung and Jongho quickly picked up the blush and followed us.

"Thank you", I looked up to Hongjoong when we arrived at the cash desk.

"You're welcome. That high pitched voice really annoyed me.", he chuckled while paying for my make up.

"Let's grab some food now and watch a movie. You can sleep at our place"

~1050 words


The Queenkas are going to be introduced in the next chapter

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