<Chapter 3>

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"How about shopping after school? You'll still have enough time to get ready for your family dinner and get to be with us a little more.", Ryujin tried to cheer me up after I told them everything.

"Did you say shopping? Plsss unnie. You promised to buy me more cookies and a hot chocolate!", Yuna squealed. Yuna loved shopping. Even more when it involved buying cookies and hot chocolate.

"Sounds good. I'm in!", I agreed. It wouldn't hurt to get my mind off my problems and treat my friends with good food.

"Let's go to the cafeteria now. I'm hungry", we giggled seeing Yuna's pouting and headed to the cafeteria.

I flinched when I heard loud screams and cheers coming from the hallways. A big crowd of students was standing in front of a few lockers. We were going to the middle of the crowd because we were curious to see what had happened but I guess that was not the best idea.

Jungkook was standing in the middle of the chaos, currently beating the shit out of another boy who already looked half dead. Two other male students I don't know, were standing beside him, visibly enjoying the show. Tears welled up in my eyes and I started to get dizzy. It's happening again. I need to get out of here. I tried to call out to my friends but I couldn't move. Tears started to flow down my cheeks as Jungkook smashed the boy's head into a nearby locker while grinning at him. He turned around and looked in my eyes. Concern could be seen but it was soon replaced with his cold expression which made me scared of him. My vision got blurry and my breath hitched.

"Unnie?", I felt a soft grip on my right wrist. But I didn't answer. I couldn't. "Hey Unnie! Yeji can you hear me?", someone dragged me away from the crowd. "Guys it's code red! To the rooftop, fast!"

The soft breeze of fresh air brought me back to reality. I was laying in Lia's arms on the rooftop. "Unnie? Are you feeling better now?", Chaeryeong asked me. I nodded, trying to hold back my tears.

"It's ok Unnie. You can let it out. We're here for you"

I engulfed them in a group hug to calm myself down.

"Y'all still in for shopping?", I asked after a few minutes, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Of course", they laughed at my sudden mood change

"But firstly, let's go to the cafeteria. I'm still hungry!", Yuna whined


"How about this? It's really pretty!", Yuna showed me a grey dress. We were currently in the mall trying to find a cute outfit for my family dinner. We split up and Yuna and me went to shop clothes while the others were trying to buy cute shoes for me.

"Oh that's really cute. I'm taking this", I payed for the dress while Yuna waited for me.

"Can we buy the Cookies and the hot Chocolate now?"

"Yes. Let's go", I linked my hand with her's and we went to the small café where we always go after dance practices or competitions. I quickly sent a message in our group chat so the others are informed, that we already left the mall.

I opened the door of the café and was already greeted with the sweet smell of Cookies. Yuna waited outside for me while I placed our order for takeaway. The young lady behind the counter handed me the bag with Cookies and two hot chocolates after around 5 minutes of waiting. I went outside as fast as I could, not wanting to let Yuna wait for me anymore. As I got out of the café, I saw three male teenagers standing in front of Yuna, who was currently crying on the floor. It looked like they bumped into her or slapped her. One of the boys grabbed her wrist and tried to drag her up.

PROMISES // Stepbrothers // Yeji Hwang x BTSWhere stories live. Discover now